Economy Project

  • Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board

    Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board
    The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board was created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This act was created to provide transparency in relation to the use of Recovery-related funds and to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and mismanagement.
  • The great recession

    The great recession
    In December 2007 the US went into a recession that ended in June 2009 The recession caused for a crash in business investments
  • Obama Care

    Obama Care
    It was enacted by Obama on march 23, 2010. It was made to make health care affordable to people.
  • Detroit files for debt.

    Detroit files for debt.
    On July 18, 2013 the city of Detroit, Michigan filed for chapter 9 bankruptcy, it is recorded as the largest debt in us history
  • US Trade Deficit with China

    US Trade Deficit with China
    Our current trade deficit with China is 343 billion dollars which is the largest trade deficit that the US has ever had with any country