Ecology researchers

  • 385 BCE


    was one of the first to conclude that the Earth was round, based on the observation of the stars, eclipses and tides.
    He wrote the first treaties on flora and fauna, in works such as Theory of plants and Treaty on the general principle of the movement of animals
  • 1561


    Was the first to base knowledge on sensorial experience, i.e. believe only what the senses say and not base your knowledge on legends or myths in order to understand nature
    These two perspectives shaped science from the Renaissance to believe from experience and understand only through reason.
    In the sixteenth century, Carolus Linnaeus did the first classification of species or taxonomy that is still in use
  • Descartes

    proposed an approach to nature through mental reasoning
    He proposed that the understanding of the causality of reality and natural phenomena. "It was the only known through reason”
    It was the truth which Descartes uses to face and learn about nature
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
    Explained the characteristics of organism
    In his research on living organisms the term biology was first used.
    Biological research was based on the work of Descartes and Bacon.
    It states that transmutation in the nature of a species occurred over time.
  • John Murray

    John Murray
    The British Admiralty through the Challenger collected samples from all latitudes, to obtain valuable research material, which was worked by various sciences as Paleontology, Oceanography, Geology and others.
    The final document was directed by John Murray, and published in 1912 under the name The depths of the ocean.
  • Henry Chandler Cowles

    Henry Chandler Cowles
    Introduced the concept of ecological community in time and space