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Early White Sox History

By Sdanna
  • Sioux City Cornhuskers

    The Chicago White Sox organization started out as the minor league Sioux City Cornhuskers and played in the Western League.
  • The White Stockings

    In the year 1900, the Western League changed its name to what it is now known as, the American League. Comiskey moved the team to the south side of Chicago and renamed it the White Stockings. The White Stockings wn the 1900 American league pennant.
  • The White Sox

    After 4 years and two pennants, headline editors at the Chicago Tribune sports department began shortening the name to "White Sox" and the name offically adopted the name in 1904.
  • Crosstown World Series

    The 1906 world series featured teams from the same city-- the Chicago White Sox and Chicago Cubs. After the series, the White Sox came out on top (obviously).
  • 1917 World Champions

    The White Sox pulled through 1917 with a record of 100-54 and their second World Series title.
  • Black Sox Scandal

    Eight members of the White Sox organization were banned from baseball for life for intentionally losing games, resulting in the Cincinnati Reds winning the World Series that year.