Early Explorers

By Scott.A
  • 1000

    Leif Erickson: sponsored by the country of Scandinavia

    Leif Erickson: sponsored by the country of Scandinavia
    Was the first European to land on the coast of North America. Specifically in what is now present day Canada.
  • 1487

    Bartholomew Diaz : Sponsored the country of Portugal

    Bartholomew Diaz : Sponsored the country of Portugal
    Sailed Southward down the coast of Africa making it to the southern tip of Africa. He called this southern tip the "Cape of Good Hope"
  • 1488

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral: sponsored by the country of Portugal.

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral: sponsored by the country of Portugal.
    He is know for finding the country of Brazil in South America. He starts a settlement there in the name of Portugal.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus : sponsored by the country Spain

    Christopher Columbus : sponsored by the country Spain
    Led 90 sailors in three ships on a voyage into the unknown.
  • 1497

    Vasco Da Gama : sponorsed by the country of Portuguese

    Vasco Da Gama : sponorsed by the country of Portuguese
    Set sail from Portugal with four ships, headed for Africa. His ships did not hug the African tip as Dias ship had. Instead they sailed in a wide arc south and west of Africa.
  • 1497

    John Cabot : sponsored by the country of England

    John Cabot : sponsored by the country of England
    Sent to look for a northern sea route to Asia. He most likely landed on the coast of present-day Newfoundland.
  • 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci : sponsored by the country of Spain

    Amerigo Vespucci : sponsored by the country of Spain
    Led a voyage funded by Spain. On this and a later journey for Portugal, he explored the coast of South America.
  • 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa : sponsered by the country of Spain.

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa : sponsered by the country of Spain.
    He is known for sailing to the country of Panama and discovering the Pacific Ocean.
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon : sponsored by the country of Europe

    Juan Ponce de Leon : sponsored by the country of Europe
    Made the first Spanish landing on the east-coast of present-day Florida.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes : sponsored by the country of Spain

    Hernan Cortes : sponsored by the country of Spain
    Landed on the east coast of present-day Mexico. Conquered the Aztec Empire that had ruled the region.
  • 1519

    Francisco Pizarro : sponsored by the country of Peru.

    Francisco Pizarro : sponsored by the country of Peru.
    Led an army into the Inca capital in Cuzco, Peru. The Spanish arrested and later executed the Inca ruler.
  • 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan : sponsored by the country of Spain

    Ferdinand Magellan : sponsored by the country of Spain
    Sailing for Spain, reached the southernmost tip of South America.
  • 1524

    Giovanni de Varrazano : sponsored by the country France

    Giovanni de Varrazano : sponsored by the country France
    Hired to look for a northern route. He explored the coast of North America from present-day Nova Scotia down to the Carolinas.
  • 1528

    Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca : sponsored by the country Spain

    Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca : sponsored by the country Spain
    Came into conflict with Native Americans in Florida and sailed the exposition south towards Mexico
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier : sponsored by the country France

    Jacques Cartier : sponsored by the country France
    Sailed up the St. Lawrence River, hoping it would lead to the Pacific. He did not make it to the Pacific but did discover a mountain peak which he named "Mont-Royal".
  • 1540

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado : sponsored by the country Spain

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado : sponsored by the country Spain
    His travels took him through northern Mexico, until his exposition reached a Zuni settlement.
  • 1541

    Hernando de Soto : sponsored by the country Spain

    Hernando de Soto : sponsored by the country Spain
    Led an exposition to explore Florida and what is today the southeastern United States.
  • 1542

    Juan Cabrillo : sponsored by the country Spain

    Juan Cabrillo : sponsored by the country Spain
    With help from the Native Americans settled, the Southwest, including present-day New Mexico, Texas and California.
  • Henry Hudson : sponsored by the country England

    Henry Hudson : sponsored by the country England
    He discovered the river now named after him. He sailed north on the Hudson River as far as the site of present-day Albany, New York. After deciding he didn't find a passage to India, he turned back.
  • Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette : sponsored by the country France

    Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette : sponsored by the country France
    They traveled the Mississippi River by canoe. They also were looking for a Northwest Passage.
  • Robert Cavelier de La Salle : sponsored by the country of France

    Robert Cavelier de La Salle : sponsored by the country of France
    He followed the Mississippi all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.