Early Childhood Education History Timeline

By jg14
  • Jan 1, 1483

    Martin Luther King

    Martin Luther King believed in establishing schools for children to learn how to read. Literacy is still a national priority today.
  • John Amos Comenius

    He believed education should be taught in their early years and that everything should be taught through their senses. Today, researches still believe that children should begin learning early.
  • John Locke

    John Locke believed that experience and enviroment formed the mind.He also believed that children learn better when they are younger. Today, it is believed that children should start learning early and that our experiences is in fact, what forms our mind when we are younger.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    He believes that natural approches to child rearing work best and that childrens natures unfold as a result of maturation. Researchers agree that natural approches work best.
  • Johann Pestalozzi

    Pestalozzi believes that all education is based on sensory impressions and he also thought of the ideathat the mother teaches the best. In modern days, it is believed that children can represent their experiences through drawings then learning occurs.
  • Robert Owen

    Owen believed that the enviroment they live in determines their beliefs, achievements, and behavior and that society can shape their character. Modern theories suggest that education can counteract childrens poor enviroment and that childhood education can reform society.
  • Friedrich Froebel

    Froebel believed that children learned through play and that children develop through "unfolding". He also compared children to plants. In modern theories suggest that children can learn through play and that children should have specific materials to learn concept and skills.
  • Jean Piaget

    Piaget belived that children are "little scientists" that can create their own intelligence and that mental and physical activities are important for cognitive development. He was also the first to study cognitive development. Piagets also believed that children develop intelligence through direct experiences with the physical world.