Early Childhood Education History

  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Luther translated the Bible to help others be educated in their own language. He was also an advocate of establishing schools to teach children how to read.
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    Johann Pestalozzi

    Pestalozzi believed that education should follow the course of nature and that it was based on sensory impressions. He thought that mothers would best educate their children which lead to the beginning of home schooling. He was the basis for discovery learning by creating lessons that would use counting, measuring, feeling and touching objects in order to learn.
  • Infant Schools Begin

    The Infant School Society of Boston submits a petition to incorporate infant schools into Boston Public Schools. This was the start of implementing Pre-schools into the Public school system.
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    Maria Montessori

    Maria's ideas are now used in over 4,000 programs currently. She believed in respect for children and preparing environments that support and promote children's learning.
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    Lev Vygotsky

    Vygotsky was the creater of scaffolding and Zone of Proximal Development. Scaffolding is the idea of teaching children using steps to lead them through a lesson and help guide them while ZPD, is the idea of teaching kids in their "zone" where you are not helping them too much and not helping them too little. He believed in interpersonal relationships with children and cooperative learning which were part of his social learning theory.
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    Erik Erikson

    Erikson believed that all children need predictable, consistent love, care, and education. He believed that emotions play a role in cognitive development and play supports children's social and cognitive development.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This wa the start of Title I schools. This act helps provide for students that come from low-income families. Title I serves more than 17 million children currently and provides them with additional support and guidance through the education.
  • IDEA Revised

    Individuals Disability Education Act was enacted in place of another act in order to better serve students. It helped students and teachers have universal design classrooms which make environments and curriculum accessible to all children. It is a step to equality in the classroom. There are many other parts that go into the act in order to serve children such as RTI's which are reponse to instruction and DI's which stands for differential instruction.