Early 2000's (2000-2010) - Inventions During Computer History

  • Mac OS X Release

    Mac OS X Release
    Apple replaces its standard Mac Operating System with Max OS X which was later renamed macOS. It revolutionized the entire UI/UX for Mac users and made navigating more user friendly Inventor: Apple/Steve Jobs and team
  • Mozilla Firefox Launch

    Mozilla Firefox Launch
    Mozilla Corporation launched Firefox 1.0 and creates one of the first major challenges to Internet Explorer. In its first five years, Firefox exceeded a billion downloads and established itself as on of the leaders web browsers that is still heavily used today. Inventors: Dave Hyatt, Joe Hewitt, and Blake Ross
  • Macbook Pro Releases

    Macbook Pro Releases
    The Macbook Pro was Apples first Intel-based, dual-core mobile computer. The Pro was a carryover from the Powerbook G4 and created a device that performed faster in a smaller and lighter package
  • Windows 7 Launch

    Windows 7 Launch
    Microsoft launches the Windows 7 OS in 2009. The new OS gave users the ability to pin apps to taskbar, easier previews of tiles, a new version of Windows Media Center, and a number of other features that further enhanced the overall user experience. Inventor: Steven Sinofsky
  • iPad Release

    iPad Release
    Apple release their flagship handheld tablet and received mixed reviews. Commercially, it was a huge success and many really liked the quantity of applications available. However, many others criticized the iPad for being a closed systems. Inventor: Apple/Steve Jobs