Early 1900s entertainment

  • Sports

    ^the first volleyball game was in 1896.
    ^in 1900 the first volleyball was made.
    ^the volley ball trend spread fast.
    ^the points changed from 21 to 15.
    ^was created in 1897
    ^was originally a game for men.
    ^invented by George HAncock.
    ^it was first called Kitten Ball.
  • Games Children Played

    Come With Me
    ^Formaed a circle
    ^The person that was "it" ran around the circle and picked someone.
    ^the picked person and the person that was "it" ran on opposite sides
    ^they linked arms and swung around when they met
    ^they then raced back to the open spot.
    Leap Frog
    ^Like Leap frog today.
    ^jumped over each others back.
  • Musicians and Music

    Joe "King" Oliver
    ^in a band called 'King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band' in the late 190s and early 1920s.
    ^played the cornet
    ^band consisted of Joe Oliver, Bill Johnson, Johnny Dodds, and Baby Dodds.
    ^Edward "Kid" Ory
    ^ the first great jazz trombonist.
    ^high demand n the 1920s
    ^New Orleans band that was firned in 1912.
    ^consisted of many reat jazz musicians over the years such as King Oliver, Luis Armstrong, Johnny Dobbs, and Sidney Bechot.
  • Plays and Theater

    -there were musicians, dancers, comedians, animals, magicians, jugglers and one act plays for people to go see
    -upper class people attended operas.
    -in 1902 they started showing motion pictures.
    -by 1920 showbusiness started to slowdown.
  • Popular Books

    -To Have and To Hold
    ^written by: Mary Johnston
    ^there were two popular silent films based off of it.
    ^very popular.
    -Alice of Old Vincennes
    ^written by: Maurice Thompson
    ^published in 1900
    ^Historical Novel