Dystopia Timeline

  • 1516


    Utopia, Written by Thomas Moore, describes a seemingly perfect island unsurprisingly named Utopia that shows an island civilization with 54 cities. However, when looked into further, it seems to resemble more of a socialist dystopia, with examples such as nobody owning things, but having them supplied by the state when needed, and that all citizens wear the same clothes. Reference: http://theopenutopia.org/full-text/introduction-open-utopia/ (Feb 16th 11:39)
  • The Time Machine

    The Time Machine
    The Time Machine by H.G. Wells unfolds through the eyes of an unnamed Time Traveller. In this distant future, the Time Traveller encounters a world divided between the privileged, carefree 'Eloi' and the sinister, evil 'Morlocks', portraying a glimpse to the working and upper-classes of today. Reference: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2493.The_Time_Machine (Feb 18th 14:04)
  • Metropolis

    Metropolis is released as the first major dystopian film. Directed by Germany's Fritz Lang, pushes a fear of industrialization and mass production, resulting in the lower and middle class becoming tools for the wealthy. The city is shown to be bleak and identical, and the workers can be assumed to be imprisoned or forced to work for the city. This is an extremely basic yet effective showing of a dystopia. Reference: http://www.utopiaanddystopia.com/dystopian-movies/metropolis/ (Feb 15th 15:06)
  • Fahrenheit 451

    Fahrenheit 451
    Published by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 takes place in a distant future, where the protagonist 'Guy Montag' is a fireman tasked with burning down houses where books have been discovered, however he decides to turn against the system and find an English professor in hopes of preserving literature for future generations of humanity. Reference: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Fahrenheit-451-novel-by-Bradbury (Accessed 19th Feb 08:41)
  • 1984

    Directed by Michael Anderson and based (loosely) on the novel 1984 by George Orwell, a nuclear war in the mid-1960's causes the world to split into three regions: Eurasia, East Asia, and Oceania. Society is constantly monitored by a political head 'Big Brother', and free thought is punished. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_(1956_film) (Feb 16th 08:40)
  • Blade Runner

    Blade Runner
    Directed by Ridley Scott, Blade runner shows a world where 'Replicants' (humanoid machines) are an integral part of society. Replicant Hunter Deckard is tasked with hunting and eliminating 4 deviant replicants, who are also hunting him. However, Deckard falls in love with a replicant female, Rachel, and is faced with the dilemma of which side to choose. Reference: https://artofsmart.com.au/english/blade-runner-analysis/ (Accessed: Feb 19th 10:43)
  • Brazil

    Directed by Terry Gilliam, Brazil follows worker 'Sam Lowry', who begins to have a repeating daydream where he saves a damsel in distress. In his real job, he begins helping with an investigation that led to the arrest and death of an innocent man instead of wanted terrorist Henry Tuttle, where he meets the woman he keeps seeing in his day dreams. Reference: http://www.utopiaanddystopia.com/dystopian-fiction/list-of-dystopian-movies/ (Accessed: Feb 19th 10:29)
  • 12 Monkeys

    12 Monkeys
    '12 Monkeys', directed by Terry Gilliam, is another major dystopian film, based around a society after a deadly virus is released in the year 1996, wiping out the majority of humanity and forcing survivors to evacuate underground. Convict (Protagonist) James Cole is sent back in time to find the cause of the virus, however runs into a group known as 'The Twelve Monkeys' Reference: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114746/ (Feb 16th 08:36)
  • The Hunger Games (Novel)

    The Hunger Games (Novel)
    Written by Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games portrays heroine Katniss waking on the day of 'reaping', where two teenagers from each of the nations 12 districts are chosen to participate in the yearly 'Hunger Games', a fight-to-the-death competition where only one person can remain. Reference: https://www.blinkist.com/en/books/the-hunger-games-en (Accessed: 19th Feb 10:24)
  • Ready Player One

    Ready Player One
    Directed by Steven Spielberg, Ready Player one depicts a future of the year 2045, where the OASIS, a high-tech virtual reality headset, is created by billionaire James Halliday. Halliday passes, and his fortune is promised to the first person who finds a certain 'easter egg' (secret, hard to find feature) in the OASIS. Protagonist Wade Watts joins the contest, however soon finds himself to become a hero. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ready_Player_One_(film) (Accessed 19th Feb 10:54)