Dr seuss

Dr. Seuss

  • When Dr. Seuss was born

    Theodor “Ted” Seuss Geisel is born, March 2, 1905, in Springfield, Mass.
  • Childhood of Dr. Seuss

    During Geisel’s early childhood, his mother sold pies in her family’s bakery, and did the day’s bill of fare to customers. When him and his sister were young, their mother would softly sing rhymes. He gives credit to his mother for his ability to create rhymes so well.
  • Geisel's Reading skills at Six Years Old

    Geisel's Reading skills at Six Years Old
    In 1910, Dr. Suess was six years old, and he was already a gifted reader. He started reading Charles Dickens and Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • Beginning of his Career

    In 1925, Geisel was named editor-in-chief of the Dartmouth humor magazine, Jack-O-Lantern, where he begins writing under the name “Seuss.”
  • Meeting Helen Palmer

    Meeting Helen Palmer
    Geisel began studies toward a Ph.D. in English Literature at Oxford University’s Lincoln College where he met a classmate and future wife Helen Palmer. He left school without finishing his degree to travel through Europe for two years, working with other literary dropouts, such as Ernest Hemingway.
  • First Magazine

    In 1927, he moved to New York, and married Helen and sold his first cartoons to Judge magazine.
  • Taking a Break

    In 1943-46, Geisel serves in the U.S. Army during WWII and wins the Legion of Merit for his educational films. Though he did not write a book for several years.
  • Starting Fresh

    Starting Fresh
    In 1948, Dr. Seuss and Helen went west and settled down in La Jolla, Calif.
  • A Great Two Years

    A Great Two Years
    In 1956-7, During an extraordinary two years, If I Ran the Circus, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Cat in the Hat were published. More than 11 million copies of Cat were sold and it had been translated in 12 languages, including Latin, Yiddish and Braille.
  • Dr. Seuss Keeps Publishing Books

    Dr. Seuss Keeps Publishing Books
    In 1960, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish was published. We see how wondrous and colorful life gets when we encounter new friends and learn that difference is what makes us best! That very same year, another book published, called Green Eggs and Ham, teaching that we should avoid jumping to conclusions.
  • Saying goodbye to Helen.

    Saying goodbye to Helen.
    In 1967, Geisel’s wife and long-term collaborator, Helen, died.
  • Dr. Seuss married Audrey Dimond

    Dr. Seuss married Audrey Dimond
    In 1968, Geisel marries long-time friend, Audrey Stone Dimond.
  • Dr. Seuss's 77th Birthday

    In 1981, in honor of his 77th birthday, March 2 is proclaimed Dr. Seuss Day by governors of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Minnesota and Utah.
  • Dr. Seuss recieves an Emmy Award

    In 1982, Geisel receives an Emmy Award (Best Children’s Special) for The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat.
  • Dr. Seuss says goodbye

    Dr. Seuss says goodbye
    In 1991, after delighting young and old for generations, Theodor “Dr. Seuss” Geisel passed away Sept. 24 at
    age 87.