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Donna Haraway

  • Birth

    She was born in Denver Colorado
  • Period: to

    Taught at University of Hawaii

    Ms. Haraway taught at the University of Hawaii during this time, teaching history of science and women's studies.
  • Earned her PhD

    Earned her PhD
    Received her PhD in Biology through Yale University.
    Her dissertation was titled " The Search for Organizing Relations: An Organismic Paradigm in 20th Century Developmental Biology
  • Period: to

    Taught at Johns Hopkins University

    Taught History of Science and Women's Studies
  • Joined History of Consciousness Program

    Ms. Haraway joined the History of Consciousness Program at Santa Cruz
  • Published her most famous essay

    Published her most famous essay
    She published her most famous essay, "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980's". The two main ideas for this essay is that 1) the idea and creation of totalizing theory that is missed making it a major mistake for reality. 2) taking responsibility for the social relationship between technology and science. Meaning that we need to avoid all anti-science metaphysics (European, n.d)
  • Published another essay

    Published another essay
    Published " Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science". This essay specifically focuses on primatology and primate research. It also the western narratives that make individuals focus on differences such as race and sex.
  • Helped write essay collection

    The essay collection " Simian, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Women" is a collection of essays, which talks about creatures that have been delineated from society. These creatures are cyborgs, women and simians. Even though these creatures have been delineated from society, they have still helped the world grow into the place it is today.
  • Awarded the J.D. Bernal Prize

    Haraway was awarded the J.D. Bernal Prize. One of the highest honors given by the Society of Social Sciences of Science. She was given this award because of her lifelong contributions to the Social Sciences of Science.
  • Published Latest Essay

    Haraway published her latest book, with Adele Clark. This book is titled "Making Kin not Populations: Reconceiving Generations." This book offers different ways to look at relationships between blood relatives and intimacy.
  • Currently, a Professor

    Currently Haraway is a Distinguished Professor Emerita at the University of California - Santa Cruz in both the History of Consciousness department and the Feminist Studies Department.
  • Resources

    European Graduate School. (n.d.). Donna Haraway. Retrieved October 09, 2020, from Donna Haraway. (2011, December 28). Retrieved October 09, 2020, from
  • Resources Part 2

    Photo Citations-
    Free Cartoon Graduation Doctor Hat [Photograph]. (n.d.). Https:// Done on Adobe Photoshop Jeanbaptisteparis. (2010, April 23). Donna Haraway [Photograph]. URL: Primate Visions Cover [Photograph]. (1990, August 24). Https:// Photo of Cover of Book