Handicap web 1


  • The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)

    The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)
    The ABA requires that federally owned, leased, or financed buildings be accessible to disabled persons. This law was put into place in 1968.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits disability discrimination by federal agencies. This was the first legislative effort to help people with disabilities. This act has been amended twice since it has been signed. The Rehabilitation act supports employment, independent living and client assistance.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

     Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    The individuals with disabilities education act require states to provide free public education to the disabled children. The act was established in 1975. This act allowed people with disabilities to get an education.
  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
    This was the first time that disabled americans got civil rights protections. On July 12, 1990 the U.S. house of representatives passed the ADA vote of 377 to 28. The senate voted 91 to 6 and on July 26, 1990 George H.W. Bush signed the ADA into law. The ADA took parts from the regulatory parts of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and also from the Civil Rights Act.
  • Over-the-Road Bus Transportation Accessibility Act of 2007

    Over-the-Road Bus Transportation Accessibility Act of 2007
    Amends federal transportation law to add as a registration condition for motor carriers of passengers that a carrier be willing and able to comply with specified accessibility requirements for transportation provided by an over-the-road bus. Directs the Secretary of Transportation and the Attorney General to enter into a memorandum of understanding to delineate the specific roles and responsibilities of the Department.