Digging Deeper: The Dark Side of Sophing

By kroger7
  • The Vanishing Head

    The Vanishing Head
    Controversy arises when the social science students' council head soph racks up a $7,400 O-Week bill, switches to Fanshawe, and then moves across the country. Later, it is revealed that the SSSC failed to collect almost $7,500 in soph fees. SSSC considered changing their procedures for electing head soph, but it was voted down.
  • Beds? Sophs Can Sleep Anywhere.

    Beds? Sophs Can Sleep Anywhere.
    A proposal is put forth by the USC and Western's Housing and Ancillary Services guarantees one bed per residence floor for sophs, rather than guaranteed beds for all sophs, to compensate for rising numbers of frosh.
  • No Slackers

    No Slackers
    A proposal to remove the stipulation that sophs must maintain a 65% average in order to be guaranteed a bed in residence is turned down by Western's housing department. Currently, all sophs are still required to maintain a 65% average in order to keep their position.
  • The $200 T-Shirt

    The $200 T-Shirt
    USC plans to reduce the costs of being a soph, specifically uniforms which ranged from $100-$200. However, actual guidelines are never put into place and sophs still currenly pay around $100 for their uniforms.
  • The Sign-In

    The Sign-In
    A soph is banned from Medway hall for entering at night without signing the log book and subsequently receiving a warning for noise violation. Technically, the banning meant the soph was considered a "threat" to Medway hall.
  • Suspicious Sophs

    Suspicious Sophs
    Unidentified students posing as sophs and approaching frosh are reported on campus, but never caught.
  • Really Far Off Campus

    Really Far Off Campus
    The USC passes a decision to eliminate Off Campus sophs, but eventually overturn it after outcries from the soph community and student body.
  • Culture of Control

    Culture of Control
    A head soph is stripped of her position for drawing a penis and unicorn horn on the Western mustang of her O-week kit stadium seat. The annual soph auction, a charity fundraiser that accrued upwards of $10, 000 each year was cancelled.
  • Regular-Coloured Engineers

    Regular-Coloured Engineers
    Some engineering sophs were asked not to take part in the decades-old tradition of dying their bodies purple for O-Week, while the Social Science soph team was asked to abandon their mascot: "Booty" a rubber chicken tied to a stick.