Developmental Psych Timeline

  • Birth

  • Easy Temperment

    This child showed regular eating, sleeping, elimination cycles, a positive approach response to new situations, and could accept frustration with little fuss. They adapted to change, such as new food or a new school quickly. They showed a good mood most of the time, and smiled often. Most of the problems reported with these children resulted when the child was placed in situations that required responses that were inconsistent with what they had learned at home.
  • Period: to


    Experiencing the world through senses and actions (looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping)
    - Object Permanence
    - Stranger Anxiety
  • Period: to

    Secure and Insecure Attachment

    Secure attachment is classified by children who show some distress when their caregiver leaves but are able to compose themselves and do something knowing that their caregiver will return Insecure Attachment is when the child avoids contact with the caregiver and is anxious when around them
  • Period: to

    Trust vs. Mistrust

    Learning whether to trust or not to based on whether or not their needs for things like food and comfort are met.
  • Raises head to 45 degrees

    2 months after birth
  • Rolls over

    2.8 months after birth
  • Sit with support

    4 months after birth
  • Sit without support

    5.5 months after birth
  • Pull self to standing position

    7.6 months after birth
  • Walk holding on to furniture

    9.2 months after birth
  • Creep

    10 months after birth
  • Stand alone

    11.5 months after birth
  • Difficult Temperament

    his child showed irregular eating, sleeping, and elimination cycles. They displayed a negative approach response to new situations, for example frequent and loud crying or throwing tantrums when frustrated. They are slow to adapt to change, and need more time to get used to new food or people. Most of the problems reported with these children centers around socialization patterns, expectations of family, school, and peer groups.
    If pushed to become immediately involved in a situation
  • Period: to

    Autonomy vs. Shame

    Toddlers realize they can direct their own behavior.
  • Walk

    12.1 months birth
  • Slow to warm up temperament

    This child showed negative responses of mild intensity when exposed to new situations, but slowly came to accept them with repeated exposure. They have fairly regular biological routines. Problems with these children varied depending on the other characteristics they showed.
  • Period: to


    Representing things with words and images; using intuituve rather than logical reasoning
    - Pretend Play
    - Egocentrism
  • Period: to

    Pre Conventional

    1. Avoid Punishment
    2. Obtain Rewards
  • Period: to

    Initiative v. Guilt

    Children are developing imagination, and sharing. They have to learn to control their behavior and take responsibility.
  • Period: to

    Industry vs. Inferiority

    Children try to learn new skills, obtain new knowledge
  • Period: to


    1. Belong and be accepted
    2. Obey rules and regulations
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational

    Thinking logically about concrete events; grasping concrete analogies and performing arithmetical operations
    - Conservation
    - Mathematical transformations
  • First Menarche- 12 years old

  • Period: to

    Identity v. Role Confusion

    Trying to learn who they are as a person.
  • Spermarche begins at 13 years of age

  • Period: to

    Formal Operational

    Abstract Reasoning
    - Abstract Logic
    - Potential for mature moral reasoning STAGE GOES THROUGH DEATH
  • Puberty

    During puberty children transition to adulthood and the changes in men are pubic hair, deeper voices, muscle growth, and growth spurts For women they develop breasts, wider hips , and pubic hair
  • Period: to


    - Make and keep promises
    - Live moral imperatives
  • Period: to

    Intimancy vs. Isolation

    Trying to form a close, committed relationship.
  • Average age for having their first child is 25

  • Average age for marriage in women- 27

  • Average age for marriage in men- 29

  • Period: to

    Generativity v. Stagnation

    The challenge is to be creative, productive, and give back to the next generation.
  • Midlife crisis

    The average age for midlife crisis is 43 years old for men and 44 for women Midlife crisis- a period of psychological stress occurring in middle age, thought to be triggered by a physical, occupational, or domestic event, as menopause, diminution of physical prowess, job loss, or departure of children from the home.
  • Menopause- Age 50

    Menopause is the cessation of a woman's reproductive ability
  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity v. Despair

    This person is trying to reach wisdom, tranquility, wholeness, and acceptance.
  • Life expectancy for male - 76

  • Life expectancy for females- 81