Depressing bg

Depressed and Getting Better Over Time

  • Beginning

    Subject is very depressed, venting about his problems to a blog. Seems very unhappy. Coworker gives him a number to a psychologist that can help him. Lost weight due to no appitite.
  • Beginning

    Gives Psychologist a call, because he actually wants to be happy.
  • beginning

    Sees psychologist and she motivates him to be happy. She presribes him Zoloft.
  • Almost There

    Got Zoloft and started taking it.
    Felt good and conent towards afternoon.
  • Almost there

    Zoloft is helping by giving him motive and helping him to smile. Negative thoughts are fading away.
  • Content

    Subject is more socail and more comfortable.
  • Happy

    Subject feels more comfortable and confident to be around other people so coworker invites him to dinner party.
  • happier

    Went to coworker's dinner party, made friends, and met someone specail. Felt confident enought to ask the girl out on a date.
  • happy

    Subject goes on date and feels happy about it. Also is starting to develope feelings for the girl.
    Called family that he hasnt talked to in awhile and wants to get back in touch. Subject wants to go over seas to visit family but wants to get inshape first.
  • happy

    Subject is so caught up with his life and how happy he is that his blogging becomes less frequint. He is getting more serious with the specail someone. Subject is getting in shape with help of a friend. Subject also books flight to go visit family over seas.
  • happier

    Subject is motivated to go back to school to get a higher degree and accomplish his dream to become a dentist.
  • happier

    Subject talk about how his doses of Zoloft have become smaller, meaning he isn't dependent on it anymore and is happier without the big dosage.
  • happier

    Subject talks about how family is even happy that he is getting better.
  • happiest

    Subject is excited about going over seas to see family and since he got promoted, is making more money so he bought his special someone a ticket to travel with him. He also tells us that Zoloft hasn't been in his system for 2 weeks and is happy without it.
  • happiest-est!

    Subject leaves over seas and is incredibly happy.
    Talks about how he gained wieght and is healthy again.
    Subject is also very thankful for the help he recieved to get better.