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Deadly Tsunamis- Laura Withka

  • Lisbon Earthquake

    Lisbon Earthquake
    Earthquake caused fires and the death of 60,000 people.The magnitude of the earthquake was about 8.5-9.
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    This volcanic eruption caused a death toll of 36,000 people, worldwide temperature drop, and 165 destroyed villages.
  • Aleutian Earthquake

    Aleutian Earthquake
    This magnitude 7 earthquake caused 159 people to die. 20,000 dollars worth of damage and 488 destroyed buildings.
  • Chilean Earthquake

    Chilean Earthquake
    Magnitude 9.5 earthquake caused 35ft tall tsunami. Approximate death toll was 1,655, about 3,000 people were injured.
  • Alaska Earthquake

    Alaska Earthquake
    139 people were killed due to this earthquake. Tsunamis and underwater landslides were also caused.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    Magnitude 7.7 earthquake cause 230 deaths. the earthquakes epicenter was located in the sea of japan. the earthquake also caused large landslides.
  • New Guinea Earthquake

    New Guinea Earthquake
    1,600 people were killed by this magnitude 7 earthquake. it caused an underwater landslide triggering a tsunami.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    9.1 magnitude earthquake killed 227,898 people. It was 10 minutes long and triggered hundreds of quakes after it.
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    With a magnitude of 8.1, this earthquake killed 189 people, elevated beaches, and landslides.
  • Chile Earthquake of 2010

    Chile Earthquake of 2010
    earthquake with 8.8 magnitude killed 525 people and a large tsunami targeting 53 other countries.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    Magnitude 9 earthquake resulted in the deaths of 15,896 people. Earthquake also cause a nuclear meltdown.