Deadly Tsunamis - Antonio Visco

  • The 1755 Lisbon Portugal Event

    The 1755 Lisbon Portugal Event
    This was a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal. It produced a tsunami that, along with the earthquake and resulting fire from the earthquake, killed an estimated 20,000 people. The Tsunami waves that crossed the Atlantic ocean amplified to heights of 7 meters or more in the West Indies.
  • 1883 Krakatoa Volcanic Collpase Event

    1883 Krakatoa Volcanic Collpase Event
    In 1883, the Krakatoa volcano violently exploded in the Sundra Strait between Java and Summtra. The top of the volcano collapsed into the ocean, which caused a giant Tsunami more than 35 meters high, killing more than 36,000 people and destroyed 165 villages.
  • Aleutian Islands Quake and Tsunami

    Aleutian Islands Quake and Tsunami
    Tsunami in Hawaii that killed 160 people. Originated from an earthquake in the Aleutian Islands chain of Alaska.
  • Alaskan Earthquake Tsunami of 1964

    Alaskan Earthquake Tsunami of 1964
    This was a magnitude 9.2 earthquake that occurred in Alaska. It generated a tsunami that killed about 130 people in Alaska and California.
  • Sea of Japan Earthquake of 1993

    Sea of Japan Earthquake of 1993
    This event was triggered by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in the Sea of Japan. It killed 120 people on Okushiri Island in Japan.
  • Papa New Guinea Quake/Landslide Tsunami

    Papa New Guinea Quake/Landslide Tsunami
    This was a magnitude 7.1 earthquake that occurred in Papua New Guinea. The quake caused a submarine landslide resulting in a tsunami killing more than 2100 people in Papua New Guinea.
  • 2004 Sumatra Quake Generated Tsunami, Indonesia

    2004 Sumatra Quake Generated Tsunami, Indonesia
    This was a magnitude 9.1 earthquake that generated a deadly tsunami, killing about 230,000 people in Sumatra, Indonesia. Tsunami event is involved in a large case study.
  • 2009 Samoa Quake Generated Tsunami

    2009 Samoa Quake Generated Tsunami
    This was a 2009 earthquake that occurred in Samoa, the Samoan Islands Polynesia. It generated a tsunami which killed 200 people.
  • Chile Earthquake and Tsunami

    Chile Earthquake and Tsunami
    This was a magnitude 9.5 earthquake in Chile which triggered a tsunami that killed 61 people in Hawaii after travelling across the Pacific Ocean.
  • 2010 Chile Quake/Tsunami

    2010 Chile Quake/Tsunami
    In 2010, a magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile generated a tsunami that killed about 700 people in Coastal Towns of Chile.
  • 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

    2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
    This was a 9.1 magnitude earthquake that triggered a deadly tsunami. This tsunami killed over 20,000 people in Japan.