Davy Crockett

  • Helped Family

    When Crockett was twelve years old, his family went into debt and they sent him to work of the debt on two different occasions.
  • Married

    He married Mary Finley who would bore him three children. She would later die, and he would remarry.
  • Enlisted

    Enlists as a scout. Participated in the massacring of the Creeks.
  • Re-Enlists

    Crockett re-enlists as a third Sargent. He is later discharged as a fourth Sargent.
  • Enters Politics

    Crockett starts his political career as a member of the Tennessee General Assembly. Known for his wrong story telling abilities.
  • Elected to Congress

    Elected to Congress
    Crockett is elected to the United States House of Representitives. He is part of the Democrat party.
  • Re-Elected

    Davy re-enters Congress as a part of the Whig party. He is fully against the Indian Removal Act.
  • Re-Elected Again

    Crockett again enters Congress as a Whig. This would be his last political appearance.
  • Writes a Book

    Publishes, A Narritive of the Life of Davy Crockett, and spends time promoting his book.
  • Fights at the Alamo

    Fights at the Alamo
    Davy Crockett is most well known for his appearence at the Battle of the Alamo. He would ultimently die in battle, but the story will live forever.