
Darwin`s Voyage

  • Start of the Voyage of the Beagle

    Start of the Voyage of the Beagle
    Charles Darwin at the age of 22 starts the voyage as the captians assistant.
  • First observation

    He stated that "It then first dawned on me that I might perhaps write a book on geology of the various countries visited, this made me thrill with delight."
  • Brazil`s Rainforests

    Darwins arrives at brazils rainforests for the first time. He is overwhelmed by the variation in the plants.
  • Giant Fossils

    Darwin sees the giant fossils in Argentina, he believes that they are not that old.
  • Cracking open rocks

    Charles travels across the Falkland islands and sees that they are desolate and lifeless. He sees some rocks that look quite old so he decides to break them in half. Once he breaks them in half he sees fossils inside showing that either the land was underwater or creatures once lived on the islands.
  • Galapagos Islands

    Darwin discovers many species that look related to those found on the mainland.