Darwin's Observations

By josh39
  • Charles Darwin Sets Sail

    Boards the HMS Beagle as the ship's captain's assistant.
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Charles Darwin stops at the Cape Verde Islands where he makes his first observations.
  • Crosses the Equator

  • Salvador, Brazil

    The ship lands in Salvador, Brazil.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Darwin is intrigued at the giant fossils he sees at a stop in Punta Alta, Argentina.
  • Tierra De Fuelgo, Argentina

    Capt. Fitzroy attempts to begin a Christian mission, but it ultimately fails.
  • Falkland Islands

    Darwin finds primitive looking rocks and fossils.
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Darwin explores fertile lowland areas.
  • Chiloe Islands, Chile

    While on the Chiloe Islands, Darwin experiences a volcanic eruption and a massive earthquake.
  • Galapagos Islands

    Darwin finds many species of plants and animals unique to the island, but they seem to be mysteriously related to mainland species.
  • Syndey, Australia

  • Cocos Islands

  • Mauritius

  • Cape Town, South Africa

  • Bahia, South America

    While in the forests of South America, Darwin discovers many interesting and unique creatures.
  • Falmouth, England

    Darwin and the crew return home to Falmouth, England.