Darwin's Observation Timeline

  • 1831

    Charles Darwin, the ship captain's assistant, begins his voyage on the HMS Beagle in Plymouth, England.
  • 1832

    Darwin becomes exited when he finds his first observation in Cape Verde Islands.
  • 1832

    Darwin and the ship cross the equator.
  • 1832

    Darwin explores the Brazilian Rainforests and sees new types of vegetation.
  • 1832

    Darwin arrives in Punta Alta, Argentina and becomes intrigued in all the new fossils that he discovers.
  • 1832

    The ship lands in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The Captain, Robert Fitzroy, repatriates 3 native people that had been captured on the previous voyage. Fitzroy tries to start a Christian mission but fails.
  • 1833

    Darwin explores the fertile lowland areas of Rio Negro, Argentina with the local people.
  • 1835

    Darwin sees Mount Osorno erupt and experiences an earthquake while he is on the Island of Chiloe in Chile.
  • 1835

    Darwin finds many species of plants, birds, and tortoises unique to the Galapagos Islands
  • 1833

    The ships arrives in Falkland Islands. Darwin finds these islands and discovers "primitive-looking" rocks which turns out to be brachiopods(two shelled animals that were once very abundant on Earth).