Darwin's Observation

  • Plymouth, England

    Plymouth, England
    Charles Darwin joins the HMS Beagle voyage as the captain's assistant
  • Period: to

    Beagle Voyage

  • Cape Verde Islands

    Cape Verde Islands
    Darwin went ashore and explored for a few days. He made his first "discovery," - a horizontal white band of shells within a cliff face along the shoreline about forty-five feet above sea level.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Crossing the Equator
    By the time Darwin crossed the eqator, he describes that he has already been shaved, blindfolded, and placed on the plank. He describes the whole ships as a shower bath.
  • Salvador, Brazil

    Salvador, Brazil
    Darwin explored the tropical rain forests on long walks by himself, taking in the rich glorious spender of nature.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Punta Alta, Argentina
    Darwin loved all of the giant fossils he discovered.
  • Falkland Islands

    Falkland Islands
    Darwin was intrigued by the fossils on the islands and decided to do comparative studies between all the fossils, plants and animals he collected during the voyage.
  • Galapogos Islands

    Galapogos Islands
    Darwin discovers many species on the island like birdfs and tortosis unique to that area, he thinks they all seem related to mainland species.
  • Cocos Islands

    Cocos Islands
    Darwin studies coral reefs growing around the island and decides to test his theory of atoll formation.
  • Bahia and Pernambuco, South America

    Bahia and Pernambuco, South America
    In the jungles, Darwin finds many amazing creatures. But he is homesick and seasick.
  • Falmouth, England

    Falmouth, England
    Darwin returns home.