Danny the champion of the world

Danny the champion of the world

  • Danny is born

    Danny is born
    Danny was 4 years old when his mother suddenly died. He lived in a old gypsy caravan behind a filling station. This was his home.
  • Period: to

    Danny is less than a year old

  • Period: to

    Danny is one years old

  • Period: to

    Danny is two years old

  • Period: to

    Danny is three years old

  • Period: to

    Danny is four years old

  • Period: to

    Danny is five years old

  • Danny's father tells about the BFG

    Danny's father tells about the BFG
    His father tells how the BFG gives people dreams and how he catches him. He also told him how he saw him.
  • Period: to

    Danny is six years old

  • Period: to

    Danny is seven years old

  • Danny gets 'soapo'

    Danny gets 'soapo'
    Few days before Danny's birthday, his dad worked on something and forbid Danny to enter the workshop. On is birthday, his dad gave him a car made out of soap boxes that he made.
  • Period: to

    Danny is eight years old

  • his dad is missing

    his dad is missing
    Danny wakes up one night and couldn't find his father. After repeating his name a few time he appeared outside. He was poaching pheasents
  • Poaching methods

    Poaching methods
    His father told Danny some his dads methods. Danny's father's father found out that a chicken is just like a pheasent. Dann's father's favourite method is the sticky hat method.
  • Period: to

    Danny is nine years old

    TIs is also the year where everything happens.
  • His dad goes poaching again

    His dad goes poaching again
    With danny's permission, his dad goes to poach again. What Danny doesn't know is that his father might never come back again.
  • Danny goes to find his father

    Danny goes to find his father
    After his father doesn't come home he takes Austin seven to his father. His father fell into a trap.
  • A new method

    A new method
    After Danny's father go to the hospital. Danny see's the sleeping pills and thinks that can make the pheasents fall asleep and then they can take them. This is called the Sleeping Beauty.
  • Danny goes to school.

    Danny goes to school.
    When he goes to school, he told someone the answer. His teacher called him a cheat and whippes his hand.
  • No more pheasents

    No more pheasents
    they put the pheasents in a oversise baby carriage. THen Danny and his father went to buy a oven. To eat pheasents.