CWS timeline

  • 1976 BCE

    Soweto Uprising

    In 1976, the government told the students they were to learn in Afrikaner and not English anymore. In protest, the students led a peaceful march. As a result, the government started shooting people. Hector Peterson, a thirteen year old was shot. His picture was taken and published, demonstrating the cruelty of the government to the world. In response, the world helped protest. They boycotted and divested from Africa's goods and bank. This helped end apartheid because their economy was suffering.
  • Period: to

    Scramble for Africa (British only- mid 1880s)

    Colonization was motivated by the European hunger for African resources. Colonization was motivated by the European hunger for African resources. British separated ethnic groups. Ethnic groups in Bantu were given the advantage: education. Exploiting cultural difference, and language, it divided them and helped the British maintain rule
  • Cry of Dolores (Mexican Independence)

    Hildalgo belonged to a pro-independence group in San Miguel. When the plot was betrayed to the Spanish, several members were arrested. In September 16, 1810, he rang the church bell in Dolores to call his parishioners to an announcement of revolution against the Spanish. His speech was not only an encouragement to revolt, but a cry for racial equality and the redistribution of land. This became known as Grito de Dolores
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    Mineral Revolution

    In 1867, there was discovery of diamonds of gold. Over time Africans had less control over their decisions about work. Workers were forced to sign a contract to ensure they would work for a certain time period. The pass system was used. The Mineral Revolution changed South Africa from rural to an urban nation. The structure of British rule was based on racial segregation. This caused Africans to fully dependent on British for their survival. This worsened the Afrikaner and and British relations.
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    South African War of 1899-1902 (Boer War)

    The Afrikaners grew wealthy from gold, but the mines were owned by the British. In 1985, the British government demanded political reform in Afrikaner republic of Transvaal to weaken economic control of Afrikaners and to favor the English. An attempted coup against the Afrikaner leader further increased tensions. Within 4 years, the Afrikaners launched attacks against the British and the war began. Blacks fought for British and supported them in hopes to get political rights after the they won.
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    Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle that radically transformed Mexican culture and government.
  • Plan de Ayala signed

    The Plan de Ayala was drafted by Emiliano Zapata during the Mexican Revolution to declare Madero's incompetence in fulfilling the goals of the revolution. The goal of the revolution was to give the land back to the poor (land reform), labor, separation of church and state, nationalization that everything in soil is property of the state, minimum wage.
  • Constitution of 1917

    The Constitution was an update of the Constitution of 1827. It gave land reform, labor, education, wages, and nationalization (from private ownership to public).
  • Iraq revolt

    The Iraqis revolted against the British occupation. The British repressed them.
  • The Immorality Act

    The Immorality Act prohibits any sexual relations between white and other races. The purpose was to allow the government to prohibit their rights. They also wanted people to think, act, and feel different about each other.
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    Hussein's dictatorship

    Hussein's repressive dictatorship. He favored the Sunnis and repressed the Shias.
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    Cold War

    Soviets were trying to promote communism, while the US was trying to prop up capitalism
  • ISI formed

    ISI spy agency in Pakistan. They are responsible for gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world. The ISI gained global recognition and fame in the 1980s when it supported the Afghan Mujahideen. The ISI provided strategic support and intelligence to the Afghan Taliban against the Northern Alliance (the group that was tried to defeat the Taliban) They also have connections with anti-Indian terrorist groups.
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  • Israel becomes a state

    After the UN proposal in 1947 and creation of the state of Israel, the Arabs invaded Israel.
  • Mossad founded

    Mossad is the national intelligence agency of Israel. They killed a Hamas leader in Dubai in 2011 using British and other European passports, which is illegal.
  • Group Areas Act

    The Group Areas Act separated land based on racial categories. They wanted people to believe that the whites were more superior than the blacks.
  • Suppression of Communism Act

    This act allowed the government to outlaw any organization against apartheid and justify it by saying they were supressing communism. It allowed the government to control the people without protests. There were no civil liberties for the blacks.
  • Pass Laws

    Every African boy or girl upon reaching 16 years of age must apply for a reference and identity number. Person must carry the reference book at all times. The people were forced to check in with police or something so that they would know where they were going. (they would know where they were going)
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Africans (mostly PAC) gathered in front of the Sharpeville police station to protest against the restrictive pass laws. The police started shooting the people and although they ran away, they continued to shoot the Africans.
  • Establishment of Black Consciousness Movement (mid 1960s)

    The Black Consciousness Movement was founded by Steve Biko. This movement sought to empower blacks with a sense of self worth and belief in their abilities to change South African society.
  • Iraqi Kurd's semi autonomy

    In 1970, the Iraqi Kurds were granted semi-autonomy to stop violence.
  • Allende Overthrown

    Salvador Allende was overthrown by a coup, backed by the US because they wanted Chile to become a capitalist country. This caused the people in Chile to be repressed by Pinochet.
  • Period: to

    Islamic Revolution (Iranian Revolution)

    Before Revolution-Shah Pahlavi was a repressive ruler, especially for politics. Khomeini, had been exiled for speaking against the Shah's reform program. Members of various parties now joined the ulama(religious scholars) against Shah.
    Revolution- angered by what they considered to be false remarks against Khomeini, many protested. Many were killed by government forces. A cycle of violence began in which each death fueled further protest. Shah fled, Khomeini rules with support from the people.
  • Soviet Union invades Afghanistan

    Soviet Union invades Afghanistan to defend their dictator against rebels (mujahadeen). The men fro middle east joined rebels.
  • Aftermath of the Islamic Revolution

    Khomeini declared Iran an Islamic republic. Elements within the clergy excluded their former left wing, nationalist, and intellectual allies from any positions of power in the new regime. A return of conservative social values were enforced. He aimed at intimidating and repressing political groups not under the control of the Revolutionary Council and Islamic Republican party, both loyal to him. Militia repressed Western culture influence. He created a new Constitution, giving himself power.
  • Period: to

    Soviet War in Afghanistan

    The Soviet War began when the Soviet Army invades and props up communist government. US, Pakistan, China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia supplied money and arms to the mujahideen. After fighting, Afghanistan, USSR, US, and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops. This is what set the stage for the Taliban Takeover
  • Start of Iran-Iraq War

    In 1980, Saddam Hussein (Iraq) invaded Iran and started the war.
  • Support for the Mujahideen

    Babrak Karmal installed as ruler, backed by the Soviet troops. Opposition intensifies with various mujahideen groups fighting Soviet forces. US, Pakistan, China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia supply money and arms to the mujahideen.
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    Iran- Iraq War

    Destabilized the region and devastated both countries. Hussein was threatened by the Islamic revolution which brought Khomeini to power in the Iranian revolution before. He wanted to overthrow them before they could overthrow him. He thought Iran was in turmoil and would be an easy victory. The US mostly supported Iraq but sold weapons to Iran illegally in attempt to get hostages out of Lebanon. In the end, Iraq invaded Kuwait because it owed Kuwait $, accused Kuwait of driving down oil prices.
  • FMLN formed (political party of El Salvador)

    The FMLN was formed as an umbrella group from five leftist guerilla organizations. People joined the FMLN becaue it opposed the Salvadorian government which was corrupt and unfair and would only support the elite. The Salvadorians were repressive. The FMLN received support of other communist countries such as the Soviet Union and Cuba. this caught the attention of the US and led the US to help the Salvadorian government with military aid.
  • FMLN created

    The FMLN was a political group in El Salvador. They were one of the main participants in the Salvadoran Civil War. After the peace accords were signed in 1992, all the FMLN units were demobilized and their organization became a legal left- wing political party in El Salvador.
  • US support for Mujahideen

    US begins supplying mujahideen with Stinger missiles, enabling them to shoot down Soviet helicopter gunships. (US does this because they did not want communism to spread)
  • Gassed by Hussein

    Around this time, the war was winding down. However, Hussein gassed the Kurdish.
  • Soviets withdrawal

    The Soviets withdraw Arab fighters and go home.
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    Civil War in Afghanistan

    The Soviet War in Afghanistan left Afghanistan in an unstable situation. The lack of stability lead to a civil war as the various Afghan groups fought for control.
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    Persian Gulf War

    It was an international conflict triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Egypt and several other Arab nations joined the anti-Iraq coalition and contributed forces to the military buildup, known as Operation Desert Shield. In the aftermath of Iraq's defeat, Kurds in the north and the Shiites in the south rose in a rebellion which was suppressed by Hussein with great brutality. This caused the US and UN to establish the no-fly zone
  • Goal of US in 1991

    In 1991, the goal of the US was to get Iraq out of Kuwait
  • Gulf War

    The Gulf War was the international conflict that was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Later (1991-2003), after Iraq lost, Kurds in the north country and Shias in the south rose in a rebellion that was suppressed by Saddam with great brutality. These actions prompted the allies to prohibit Iraqi aircraft from operating in designated "no fly zones" over those areas.
  • Taliban rises to power

    The Taliban offered a brutal version of peace and stability, which could appeal to communities that had been besieged by conflict for decades.The group absorbed the major Pashtun opposition groups, but ostracized and committed atrocities against ethnic minorities, see below. Taliban leaders installed sharia law, asking citizens to lay down arms, and used violence when they refused. Rules and punishments were severe, especially for women.
  • Mandela was elected as president

    Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, lawyer, and former political prisoner. He was the first non-white head of state in South African history, as well as take office following the dismantling of the apartheid system and the introduction of multiracial democracy.
  • Rugby World Cup

    This was the first Rugby World Cup in which every match was held in one country. Mandela’s inspiration made Chester Williams the team’s 16th man.The Springboks represented the divide that Mandela meant to overcome: previously banned from playing in the rugby world cup. The team now had a chance to represent the new South Africa, bringing the blacks and whites together.. They were a representation of South Africa without apartheid proving that the whites were “losing superiority” over the blacks.
  • TRC established

    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established in 1990s. The new South African Government wanted to investigate the crimes committed between 1960 and 1994 during the fight against apartheid. The TRC was seen by many as a means of healing the wounds of history.
  • Bombing Afghanistan

    We bombed Afghanistan after Al Qaeda blew up two of our embassies in Africa
  • Bombing Iraq

    The bombing of Iraq was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets by the US and UK. The justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with the United Nations Security Council resolutions and its interference with the United Nations Special Commission inspectors. It started on the 16 of December and ended in 19 of December
  • Mexico's election in 2000

    This was a turning point when the PAN won because this was the end of the PRI dominance.
  • Period: to

    2nd Intifada in Israel

    Starting in 2000, Palestinian youth were joined by Palestinian security forces with guns- Hamas sent suicide bombers into Israel to attack civilians - Israelis countered by sending troops, tanks, fighter jets, and helicopter gun ships into cities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It started when Ariel Sharon (an Israeli) made a visit to Temple Mount (made Palestinians annoyed). As the Palestinians threw stones at police, the Israeli army used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse them.
  • Americans withdraw from Iraq

    Americans withdraw from Iraq because it looks stable.
  • US invasion into Afghanistan

    We bombed Afghanistan in 1993 after al Qaeda blew up two of our embassies in Africa. However, Clinton still had Somalia on his mind. It was not our interests to invade Afghanistan. After 9/11, President Bush told the Taliban to give up Bin Laden or we would attack.

    The AUMF law was created. It was a law to attack anyone who used forces against those that did the 9/11. This law was used to justify killing anyone related to terrorism
  • Peaceful Protests in Middle East and Arab Spring and Syrian Civil War

    At first, it started with peaceful protests. The government fired back and the later on, the rebels started using violent tactics. This started the Arab Spring. In Syria, the government cracks down violently on the protesters and this lead to the Syrian Civil War. (Other states that had the Arab Spring: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen)
  • Ahmad Shah Massoud's death

    He was a leader against the Taliban and leader of the Northern Alliance. He was assassinated two 9/11 by al Qaeda. Terrorism experts believe his assassination assured bin Laden protection by the Taliban after the 9/11 attacks.
  • US invasion into Iraq

    Bush falsely stated that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that that Hussein could use them to threaten the US or its allies.The US invaded Iraq and Hussein's government toppled. The topple of Hussein's government caused a violent insurgency that sprang across the country. These groups were fighting amongst each other vying for power (Sunni Shia War) and the destabilization of Iraq helped lead to the rise of ISIS.
  • Zarqawi's allegiance to al Qaeda

    Zarqawi swore allegiance to al Qaeda
  • Al Qaeda's weakening

    Al Qaeda weakened and they formed an alliance with Zarqawi's group (ISIS)
  • Iraq's Sunnis rise against Zarqawi

    Iraq's Sunnis rise against Zarqawi, and US kills him in an airstrike
  • Obama recommits to Afghanistan

    Obama announces plans to send 17 thousand more troops to the war zone.
  • ISIS's second leader assassinated

    ISIS's second leader was assassinated. Al Baghdadi took over and got ISIS back on track.
  • Withdrawal from Iraq

    The US soldiers were not granted immunity.
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil War

    The event that triggered the Syrian Civil War was the Arab Spring. Tunisia and Egypt's presidents toppled because of this event and this gave hope to Syrian pro-democracy activists. Assad, the ruler was repressive and responded by killing and imprisoning the rebels.
    The US did not intervene in the Syrian War because they did not have a rebel group to support, we had a bad experience in Libya and Iran, and Obama did not want to get involved. We thought Assad would lose.
  • Al Qaeda forms a new branch in Syria

    Al Qaeda forms a new branch in Syria (Baghdadi sent top deputy to start the new branch. They attacked prisons and grew stronger freeing jihadists from prisons.
  • Kurds secede from Assad

    The Kurds secede (withdraw from the alliance) from Assad
  • Arab and Gulf State's rivalry

    Iran helps Assad. Arab's and Gulf States don't like Iran and send money and weapons to to rebels to counter Iran's influence. (Side note: Russia also backs Assad)
  • Obama vs. Assad

    In 2013, Obama signs a contract secretly to train and equipt Syrian rebels. US also quietly urges Arab states to stop funding extremists.
  • Killed by Poison Gas

    In 2013, there were people sent out to gassed the Syrian rebels.
  • Baghdadi's announcemnt

    Baghdadi announced that he was taking control of all of Al Qaeda's allied forces in Syria and Iraq. This causes Al Qaeda to break from the group over internal disagreement. Now, ISIS is Al Qaeda's enemy.
  • Al Qaeda vs. ISIS

    In 2013, Baghdadi announced that he was taking control of all of Al Qaeda's allied forces in Syria and Iraq. This causes Al Qaeda to break from the group over internal disagreement in 2014. Now, ISIS is Al Qaeda's enemy.
  • ISIS's army

    ISIS built an army in Syria and invades Iraqi government. The Sunnis tolerate arrival because of the bad authoritarian government control. (They took 1/3 of Iraq and a big part of Syria)
  • US returns to Iraq

    US returns to Iraq in response to offensives in Iraq conducted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
  • ISIS invades the Kurds

    ISIS invades the Kurds.This was a bad idea because they get counter attacks. The Kurds better, more organized forces. Then, there was the genocide agains Yazidis (type of Kurds) and beheads James Foley, and American, on camera. There was an air campaign against ISIS. (This was when the Pentagon launches its own program to train Syrian rebels to fight ISIS and not Assad) ISIS cannot take it and loses 1/5 of it's territory. Their response was to attack many places such as Kuwait, Paris, etc.
  • Russia helps ISIS in Syria

    Russia said they were in Syria to kill terrorists (ISIS) but have only bombed Assad rebels and US stuff. They were also in Iraq and Turkey. Turkey bombed Kurds and never ISIS also.
  • Gassing Again

    Chemical weapons again by Assad
  • Current Situation Iraq

    Recently, in the 2018 election, the people of Iraq elected an anti Sunni who is anti- US and anti iranian.