1950s classroom2

Curriculum Development and Theory 1950s-1970s

By kfezzie
  • Russians explode nuclear bomb

    Russians explode nuclear bomb
    The onset of the Cold War had implications for the growing criticism of education in America.
  • Attacks on the state of and professors of education

    Attacks on the state of and professors of education
    Attacks on the state of schooling in America at midcentury concentrated on Satan and alleged political radicalism in the public schools (261).
  • Anti-Life Adjustment Education

    Anti-Life Adjustment Education
    Bestor and Hand: life adjustment education was anti-intellectual; "It is not the job of the school to meet the common and specific individual needs of youth."
  • Adlai Stevenson

    Adlai Stevenson
    Represented the rise of a renewed respect for intellectualism in America.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Rejection of the "separate but equal" clause.
  • Toughen the schools

    Toughen the schools
    Hyman Rickover: Push for high performance in science and technical areas. Advocate for an increase of intellect to be able to compete on an international scale.
  • Sputnik

    Supported Rickover's notion of foreign intellectual superiority, especially in terms of science and technology.
  • Congress passes the National Defense Education Act

    Congress passes the National Defense Education Act
    National security depends on educating our youth in technical skills based on scientific principles. Emphasis on curriculum revision in math, science, and foreign languages.
  • Transformation of the school: Progressive education redefined

    Transformation of the school: Progressive education redefined
    Cremin's three characteristics: expansion of intellectual development; application of scientific research; tailoring instruction to different types of students.
  • Reintroduction of social efficiency

    Reintroduction of social efficiency
    Krug saw social efficiency as a potent ideology with the emphasis on social control.
  • Eradication of the support of the elite

    Katz railed against the myth of history, which is used by elite groups to promote self-interest.
  • Moon landing

    Moon landing
    Pinnacle of Rickover's efforts
  • Rise of the radical revisionists

    Historians talked about social class considerations and against celebratory history.