Cunningham, Bridget Timeline 1942-1953

  • Duct tape is invented

    Duct tape was made for the military during WWII as a waterproof tape. It was used to keep moisture out of ammunition cases. Originally, duct tape was only made in army green.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066

    This order authorized Japanese relocation in America. American citizens of Japanese descent and aliens from Japan were relocated during the WWII hysteria.
  • Jefferson Memorial

    Was dedicated to Jefferson by Roosevelt on the 200th anniversary of Jefferson's birthday.
  • D-Day

    D-Day played an important role in WWII. It was the largest amphibious assault in history.
  • G.I. Bill is signed.

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    Harry S. Truman Presidency

    First Lady: Bess Wallace Truman
    Vice President: Alban W. Barkley (2nd term)
  • Adolf Hitler's Death

    Death by suicide.
  • First Atomic Bomb Test

    First atomic weapons test in New Mexico during the Manhattan Project.
  • First Microwave Patent

    Patented by Percy Spencer. Invention was found by accident when his chocolate bar began to melt in his pocket. After this incident, he began experimenting with focusing the waves on food.
  • Cold War Starts

    After the surrender f Nazi Germany, the political alliance between the US and the USSR started to fall apart. Thus, the Cold War began.
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    Korean War

    A war fought during the Cold War between the USSR and the US. North and South Korea are still split today.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected president