Culture Timeline: Religious Discrimination

  • 1095

    The Crusades (1095-1291)

    The Crusades (1095-1291)
    The Crusades began when Christians and Muslims fought for control over the holy land that they both considered sacred. There was a total of eight major Crusades.
  • 1478

    The Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834)

    The Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834)
    During the Inquisition, many people of different religions were killed for their beliefs. They wanted to "purify" their nation until there were only Spanish-Christians left.
  • 1492

    Europeans in North America (1492-1784)

    Europeans in North America (1492-1784)
    The Native Americans were killed because they were forced to convert to Catholicism. If they refused they were either banished or killed, these were the same people that fled Europe to freely follow their religion.
  • America turns away fleeing Jews

    America turns away fleeing Jews
    Immigration quotas had taken effect and limits on the basis of national origin. These quotas were not repealed during the Holocaust, even as Jewish refugees were fleeing Hitler’s Europe.
    Jews fled to America to escape Hitlers rising power but Americans turned them away because of immigration laws.
  • Hitlers Rise to Power

    Hitlers Rise to Power
    Adolf Hitler comes into power and leads Germany. Germany was in chaos after WWI and when Hitler rose to power and promised a better tomorrow, Germans accepted him because of how desperate they were for change.
  • Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses

    Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
    Germans began to show discrimination towards the jews by running them out of business and boycotting them. They also mistreated them and did anything they could to make them unsuccessful.
  • Violence in America

    Violence in America
    In urban areas such as New York and Boston, Jews were violently attacked. Most anti-Jewish sentiment was manifested in social and political discrimination. Assaults, propaganda and intimidation were mostly carried out by special societies.
  • Jewish passports stamped with "j"

    Jewish passports stamped with "j"
    The passports of all Austrian and German Jews had to be stamped with a large red letter ‘J’. This shows the extent of their discrimination.
  • Mass-gassing of Jews

    Mass-gassing of Jews
    Jews from all over occupied Europe were sent to ‘Death Camps’. They were being gassed, shot, and burned, they were in the worst conditions imaginable and they were put there by human beings who watched them like animals.
  • End of Holocaust (1943-1945)

    End of Holocaust (1943-1945)
    The jews began to fight back and did all they could to get their lives back, many were shot but some succeeded and started an uprising. The camp began to slowly get shut down and the gas chambers were finally out of use.
  • Nazis begin deporting Hungarian Jews

    Nazis begin deporting Hungarian Jews
    This is when Hitler first ordered for Jews to be sent away and this showed the way Germany was slowly moving towards deporting all Jews.
  • End of War

    End of War
    Hitler commits suicide and Germany surrenders in the war, the nazis must go to trial and pay for their actions.
  • Muslims before 9/11

    Muslims before 9/11
    Prior to 9/11 the FBI, which has tracked hate crimes since 1992, reports that Anti-Muslim hate crimes had previously been the second-least reported.
  • Muslim Interment Camps in China

    Muslim Interment Camps in China
    Last year BBC news went to investigate in China and found that there were internment camps holding hundreds of thousands of Muslims without trial in it's western region Xinjiang.
    "On 22 April 2018, a satellite photo of that same piece of desert showed something new. A massive, highly secure compound had materialized. It is enclosed with a 2km-long exterior wall punctuated by 16 guard towers."
  • Citations

    Hunter, B. (2017, November 15). Why the Worst Humans Are Able to Rise to Power. Retrieved February 13, 2019, from Wong, E. (2002, December 6). THE HISTORY OF RELIGIOUS CONFLICT IN THE UNITED STATES:. Retrieved February 15, 2019, from History of Religious Conflict.htm
  • Citations

    -Sudworth, J. (2018, October 28). China's hidden camps. Retrieved February 15, 2019, from
    -Cavender, J., & Myer, M. (2019). Timeline. Retrieved February 12, 2019, from
    -Editors, H. (2010, June 07). Crusades. Retrieved February 15, 2019, from
  • Predictions

    The most common things between all of these events is that one group is always targeted and nobody interfered to help. During the holocaust, America turned fleeing Jews away instead of saving their lives. Many times people turn their backs on suffering people and it is continuing to happen even today, we can see it now with what is happening in China. I think in order to prevent something like this happening in the future, people in power must learn to stand up for those who are vulnerable.
  • Analysis

    I believe that the thing that has changed most over time is that people have become more aware of the terrible things that happen in these situations and have tried to spread awareness about it.