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Cultural Historian Timeline On Germany

  • "German" Chocolate Cake

    "German" Chocolate Cake
    A misconception of German Chocolate Cake being German. It was actually named after a man named Sam German. He used his lastname.
  • World War II

    World War II
    This was a war between the Allies and Axis. This was in mostly Europe and Asia.
  • Holocaust

    6,000,000 Jewish people were murdered. Destruction of 5,000 Jewish ommunities occured.
  • Adolf Hitler's Death

    Adolf Hitler's Death
    Adolf Hitler commt suicide by shooting himself in the head. He did this in Berlin. He did this because of stress. His wife commit suiced with him, by digesting genocide.
  • Berlin Wall Was Build

    Berlin Wall Was Build
    The Berlin Wall was build up to separate East Germany and West Germany. This happened because the two side of Germany were in conflict.