
Cuba In The Cold War

  • Period: to

    Cuba in the cold war ( Alexis Richardson 4/10/14 SS4)

  • Fidel Castro becomes the president of cuba after a revolution that overthrows fulgenio batista

    Fidel Castro becomes the president of cuba after a revolution that overthrows fulgenio batista
  • The United States ends it foreign aid program to cuba

    The United States ends it foreign aid program to cuba
  • The United States Impose a trade embargo gaint cuba

  • A group of B-26 bombers piloted by cuban exiles attack air bases in cuba.

    A group of B-26 bombers piloted by cuban exiles attack air bases in cuba.
  • The US tries to stop commiunism in Cuba, and tries to invade cuba at the Bay of Pigs

    The US tries to stop commiunism in Cuba, and tries to invade cuba at the Bay of Pigs
  • The soviet Union & cuba establish dipomatic relations

    The soviet Union & cuba establish dipomatic relations
  • The Start of the Missle Crises

    The US discover that the Soviet Union has put neclear missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from the US President John Kennedy demands that the missiles br removed and after 13 days of tense negotations, Khrushchev agrees.
  • Inspector general's report on plots to assassinate fidel castro is written