Cuba timeline

Cuba in the cold war

  • General Fulgencio Batista

    General Fulgencio Batista
    Batista was a military dictator with a reputation for corruption and harsh treatment of his enemies
  • increasing awareness

    the U.S. government funded a series of videos and other resources to increase public awareness of the dangers of nuclear attacks.
  • Batista took over cuba

    he violently overthrew the government and took over cuba
  • fidel castro

    he became a comunist for the governemnt and tried to over throw batista but was later put in jail
  • castro sent off

    Castro was released and sent to mexico
  • batista fled

    Batista fled cuba and castro took cuba back over
  • JFK elected

    JFK was elected and was forced to make a decision Under the Eisenhower administration, the CIA had developed a plan to support an invasion of Cuba carried out by a group of Cuban refugees
  • training for assualt

    Beginning in March 1960, the CIA trained people who opposed Castro for the assault. The entire operation was to be highly secret, but the secret was poorly kept. Stories about it appeared in Cuban newspapers.
  • us in fear

    many Americans were living in fear of a nuclear attack.
  • politcal and economic ended btween the us and cuba

    By 1961, all political and economic relations between the United States and Cuba had ended.
  • bay of pigs

    On April 17, 1961, the CIA-backed force of 1,400 Cuban refugees landed at the swampy Bay of Pigs on Cuba’s southern coast.
  • WW 3?

    a poll showed that one-fifth of Americans believed World War III was coming soon.
  • increase in cooperation with soviets

    In 1962, intelligence reports noted a dramatic increase in the cooperation between Cuba and the Soviet Union.
  • cuban missile crisis

    he administration knew with certainty that Cuba had the missiles and the launching capacity to attack the United States.
  • quick contact

    a direct telegraph line was built that allowed leaders from both countries to send messages to each other quickly.
  • threating to overthrow?

    a revolution threatened to overthrow the government of the Dominican Republic.