Cuba during the 1950's through the 1970's

  • Period: to

    Cuba in the cold war...

  • Batista takes Cuba in a coupe.

    Batista takes over the Cuban Goverment.
  • Castro's first revolution attempt

  • Castro returns to Cuba

    Another fail, but him and his followers begin to harrass the country with attacks
  • President Dwight D Esienhower's second presidential term ending.

    As Dwight D Esienhowers second presidential term came to an end the cold war was still continuing to draw attention.
  • Presidential election on 1960

    Presidential election on 1960
    The Republican Party nominated Vice-President Richard Nixon, while the Democratic Party nominated John F. Kennedy,
  • bay of pigs attack

    bay of pigs attack
    A Cuban force of 20,000 overwhelms the troops an takes back 1,100 troops as war prisoners.
  • Alliance of progress

    was made by several countries including the USA to premote an maintain democratic goverment & economic Development.
  • cooperation between Soviet Union and Cuba increase.

    intelligence tells that cooperation between the Soviet Union an Cuba has increased greatly.
  • Administration knows...

    Administration knows...
    The Administration knows with quiet certenty that Cuba has missiles.