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Residential Schools in Canada

  • Residential Schools were officially operating. They were created by Christian Churches and the Canadian government.

    Residential Schools were officially operating. They were created by Christian Churches and the Canadian government.
  • Residential Schools become mandatory in Canada

    Residential Schools become mandatory in Canada
  • The most ever Residential Schools that were opened at one time

    The most ever Residential Schools that were opened at one time
  • Inuit children are officially included in Residential Schools.

    Inuit children are officially included in Residential Schools.
  • From 1960-1980, more than 20,000 Indigenous children are taken from their families.

    From 1960-1980, more than 20,000 Indigenous children are taken from their families.
  • 28 Residential Schools remain

    28 Residential Schools remain
  • Gordon's Residential School is the last Residential school that is closed.

    Gordon's Residential School is the last Residential school that is closed.
  • Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, apologizes to former students for Canada's role in the operation of Residential Schools.

    Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, apologizes to former students for Canada's role in the operation of Residential Schools.
  • 721 graves were discovered at a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.

    721 graves were discovered at a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.