
Contributed Events for Current Special Education Legislation

  • Presidents Committee on Mental Retardation 1961

    Presidents Committee on Mental Retardation 1961
    President John F. Kenned had a sister with mental retardation, throughout her life Kennedy and his family were intrigued and determined to develop services for children and adults with this type of disability. In 1961, JFK establised the committee to support him on the ways the government could help in meeting the needs of this particular population of human beings. This committee then progressed into encouraging schools to opening their doors to students with disabilities.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    The ESEA authorized the first state-level grant program, intended for children and youth with disabilities. It was in fact the most expansive education bill ever passed.
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    This Act was the first "rights" legislation to prohibit any act of discrimination against people with disabilities. This included the right of education in the Section 504.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act

    Education of All Handicapped Children Act
    This Act enables handicapped children to general education. Children who are handicapped disabled have the ability to receive support and encouragement to engage in a typical school day.
  • Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

    Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
    The idea behind this program was to ensure and assist in developing a system that enables early intervention services to all children with disabilities from birth to age 3.
  • Timothy W. V. Rochester N.H. School District

    Timothy W. V. Rochester N.H. School District
    All children, despite their nature or severity, have the right to learn. Therefore, it is the role of the school district to ensure and provide an educational program to fit each students' needs.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act

    The Americans with Disabilities Act
    The ADA of 1990 prohibits discrimination in the following areas: recruitment, hiring, advancement, and termination of individuals with disabilities. This also requires that businesses make reasonable accommodations for individuals that are qualified for the needed work.