Constitution To The Road

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    first document forced onto King of England in attempt to limit power by law and preotect priveleges. king john of england was forced to sign it.
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    This was signed to proclaim allegiance to the king. it was signed on board of the ship called Maylfower by most of the men on board the ship.
  • Petition of rights

    Petition of rights
    This petition gave people the rights of non-Parliamentary taxation, forced billeting of soldiers, inprisonment without cause, and restricted the use of Martial law. charles I was the Signer.
  • English Bill Of Rights

    English Bill Of Rights
    A. William and Mary
    B. Freedom of speech
    Freedom to beer arms
    And No Tacation By royal Parlement
  • albany plan of union

    albany plan of union
    british colonial government suggested this meeting that never happened join or die was commenly used with this suggested meeting
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    A. The French and Indians
    B. Battle of Little Big Horn
    C. The English
    D. It made the French realize that the Indians are better than they look and the same with us.
  • King George III takes power

    King George thought americans would go along with british rule, which triggered a war between the Americans and the British.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    British America and New France were the major players in this conflict. Major battles include: Jumonville glen, Fort Necessity, Lake George, and Oswego. The English were the winners. Relationships with british after F&I war had led to the Revolutionary war.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    legal documents and other paper products used throughout the colonies were taxed. there were colonial outrages after the taxing was placed.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A. 5 people died and 6 were injured
    B. Crown-appointed colonial officials attempting to enforce unpopular Parliamentary legislation.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party

    The Sons of Liberty had organized the event The british responded by making the intolerable acts which closed boston ports which destroyed the massachusetts government
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    These acts were passed by the british from the happening of the Boston Tea Party. provisions include: closing of Bostons ports, British restricting colonists to have government/commities/ Town Meetings, and British allowed them selves to house troops where ever, when ever, in the colonist's homes.
  • First Continental congress

    First Continental congress
    Peyton Randolph, henry Middleton, and Charles Thomson were the main people involved. this meeting established a compact among the colonies to boycott british goods. this took place in carpenters hall, Philadelphia.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    the Second Continental Congress took place in Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia. The congeaa acted as the De Facto national governemnt which became the untied states, Notable new arrivals were Ben Franklin and John Hancock,
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Open armed Conflicts broke out, led by Lt. Smith and General Gage (britian). Paaul Revere is known for his warning by shouting "The British are coming, the British are coming!"
  • Articles of Confrederation

    Articles of Confrederation
    This was an agreement omong the 13 founding states that established the USA as a confederation of sovereign states. John Hanson was the first president under the Articles.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Adopted by the continental congress stating that the 13 American Colonies regarded themselves as independent states.
  • Start of the Constitutional Convention

    Start of the Constitutional Convention
    constitutional convention
    This adressed the problems in governing the united states of America which had been working under the articles of Confederation.