
Constitution Timeline By Alma De La Torre-1

  • Declaration Of Rights and Grievances is passed

    Declaration Of Rights and Grievances is passed
    The Declaration Of Rights and Grievances is a document by the stamo act congress. Britain taxation toward the United States was unconstitutional. And was directed int the Stamp Act which required documents, newspapers and playing cards. They were to be printed on special and taxed paper.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was actually a rebellion act. Colonist in Massachusets dumped tea into the ocean due to the taxation on tea. Showing britain that taxation on tea was unfair lead to a spark in american revolution.
  • First Contiental Congress meets

    First Contiental Congress meets
    First Contiental Congress was a convention of delegates from the colonies who met in Philidelphia. It was a brief meeting discussing possible ways to boycott against Britains trade.
  • Revolutionary War begins

    Revolutionary War begins
    From the United States came the Revolutionary War. The reason for this was because Great Britain was being unconstitutional. Taxation was actually illegal from Great Britain without representation. Therefore, in return Great Britain came across a lost fight against America.
  • Secind Contiental Congress meets

    Secind Contiental Congress meets
    The second Contiental Congress was a meeting of delegates from the 13 colonies. They met to discuss how to run the United States. The United States still did not have a government and they needed to discuss the best way to create one.
  • Declaration Of Independence signed

    Declaration Of Independence signed
    The Declaration Of Independence was a document that stated independence from Great Britain. This document was signed by fifty-six delegates. But, the most known delegates was Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. It was originally by John Hancock who was president of congress. This is the reason why why the fourth of July to celebrate the United States freedom from Great Britain.
  • Articles Of Confederation signed

    Articles Of Confederation signed
    The Articles Of Confederation was a document that stated the agreement between the 13 founding states. This legally established the United States as a confederation and served as the first constitution.
  • Revolutionary War ends

    Revolutionary War ends
    The Revolutionary War ended in Yorktown, Va due to the surender of general Cornwills thanks to George Washington. The war was actually not over until a document by the name of "Tready Of Paris" was signed.
  • Constitutional Congress Opens

    Constitutional Congress Opens
    The Constitutional Congress was a meeting to adress problems with the government of the United States. The government at the time was under the Articles Of Confederation. And the purpose of this meeting was to make a new government instead of fixing it.
  • Final Draft Of The Constitutional is signed

    Final Draft Of The Constitutional is signed
    This Constitution replaced the Articles Of Confederation. It was adopted in 1777 but was not ratified until 1781. Febuary 21, 1787 was the date in which the contiental congress called for a national convention to meet and revise the Articles Of Confederation.This ended up creating a whole new form of government.