

By Deidra
  • Dixiecrats

    Political CartoonDixiecrats were Southern delegates that protested President Truman's Civil Right's policy, walked out of the 1948 Decomcratic National Convention and formed the States' Rights Democratic Party
  • Conservative Coalition

    Conservative Coalition
    Rules for being in the Conservative CoalitionThe Conservative Coalitionwas made up of American's who worked to promote conservative ideas. Also opposed big government. Formed in the mid 1960
  • Silent Majority

    Silent Majority
    Nixon's Speech\
    This term is used in Nixon's speech when he address' the Nation on the war of Vietnam. In his speech he says, "And so tonight- to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans- I ask for your support." When he says this he asking for support from all the Americans who have not protested against the Vietnam war.
  • Moral Majority

    Moral Majority
    Political CartoonA political alliance of religious groups, consisting mainly of evangtelical and fundementalist Christians. This was active during the 1970's and 1980's. Condeming liberal attitudes, behavior, and raising money for conservative canditates.
  • Watergate

    Political CartoonThe watergate scandal arose from when Nixon's administration attempted to cover up their involvment in the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate apartment complex. This leads to President Nixon's resignment after being impeached over this scandal.
  • Period: to

    Moral Majority

    Political Cartoon Was a political alliance of religious groups, consisting mainly of evangelical and fundamentalist christians. Its goal was condmening liberal attitudes, behavior, and rasining money for conservative candidates.
  • Reganomics

    Reganomics Chart"Reganomics" as they were called consisted of 3 main parts. 1. Budget Cuts. 2. Tax Cuts. 3. Increased defense spending. They were called ""reganomics" because President Reagan worked mainly on these 3 issuses since he came into office.
  • Contract with America

    Contract with America
    The Republican ContractThe Contract with America was a list of 10 items that the Republicans promised to enact5 if they won control of congress. When the election rolled around the Republicans won control of both houses of Congress which was the first time this had happened since 1954.
  • Tea Party Movement

    Tea Party Movement
    How The Tea Party Movement Started
    The Tea Party Movement was formed after The Republican party nominated John McCain to run for president. The mission of the Tea Party Patriots' was to restore America's founding principles and have a less government intrusion and taxation without representation. Many moderatly conservative Democrats switched their party to Republican which made the ultra conservative Republicans feel like their party was