
Conflicts in Australian History

  • The Battle of Richmond Hill

    The Battle of Richmond Hill was between the Native Darug people and the Noew South Wales Corps which included many settlers. It started when the white settlers cleared many of the farms which caused the Aborigines to have little supplies of food. This caused a poor reltationship for them and as a result the whites attempted to kill the local Aborigines
  • The Myall Creek Massacre

    On the 10th of June, 1838, 12 European men killed up to 30 unarmed Aborigines at Myall Creek in northern NSW. Seven of the 12 men involved in the killings were found guilty and were hanged.
  • The Battle of Yering

    This conflict was between the Indeginous Australians of Wurundjeri and the borde police which occured on the outskirts of Melbourne. It was cause by a disagreemnet between the Aborigines and the settlers
  • Eureka Rebellion

    The Eureka Rebellion was a conlflict by gold miners which occured at Eureka Lead, Victoria. The conflict occured on the #rd of December, 1854 and resulted in 22 deaths of miners. It is regarded as the most significant conflict in the history of Victoria
  • La Grange Expedition

    The La Grange Expedition was a search expedition which occured in La Grange Bay, Western Australia. It was carried out to find three settlers who were lost while carrying out an eralier expedition. Tyhe men were found dead and were discovered to be murdered by the Aborigines. The settlers then killed the Indegenous people in an event which is called the La Grange Expedition
  • Battle of Broken Hill

    This event was a fatal incident which occured in Broken Hill, NSW. Two Muslim men killed four people and wounded seven people. They were then killed by police and millitary officers