conflict of cuba 1950-1970

  • the cuba government magizine

    the cuba government magizine
    In March 1952, a few months after a poll in the magazine Bohemia foretold that he would loose his bid for the Cuban presidency; Fulgencio Batista took over the Cuban government in bloodless coup d'état. The U.S., already familiar with Batista from their previous collaboration in the 1930s and his presidency in 1940, recognized his government within two week
  • fidel castro attack

    fidel castro attack
    fidel castro and other peoiple who helped him attaked army barracks and people who were in jail got out easily
  • us native

    us native
    a guy name alan robert got arrested for the cause of the revolution war that was told too by fidel castro
  • CIA cuban training rebels

    CIA cuban training rebels
    the cuban was training for a war in the guatamala
  • jkf plans invasions

    jkf plans invasions
    jkf was sent to do plans of the invasion
  • the bay of pigs adminstration from cuba

    the bay of pigs adminstration from cuba
    The Cuban Revolution of 1949 to 1959 had seen President Fulgencio Batista, a right-wing ally of the U.S., ousted. He was replaced by a new left wing administration dominated by Castro, which had severed the country's formerly strong links with the U.S. by expropriating their economic assets and developing links with the Soviet Union, with whom the U.S. was then embroiled in the Cold War.
  • The cuban missiles crisis

    The cuban missiles crisis
    the cuban missiles was dangeous that it was direct to the united states and from the soviet union cold war
  • cuba ranks

    cuba ranks
    Cuba ranks high in metrics of health and education, with a high Human Development Index of 0.780 as of 2013. According to data it presents to the United Nations, Cuba was the only nation in the world in 2006 that met the World Wide Fund for Nature's definition of sustainable development, with an ecological footprint of less than 1.8 hectares per capita,