Computing History

By schen
  • Napier's rods

    Napier's rods
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Name: Blaise Pascal
    Year: 1623-1662
    Place: France
    Job: Genius Mathematician
    Info: Invented the first calculator but can only do addition and subtraction
  • Gottfried Wilhlem Leibniz

    Gottfried Wilhlem Leibniz
    Name: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
    Year: 1646- 1716
    Place: Germany
    Job: Mathematican
    Info: Invented the first calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Name: Charles Babbage
    Year: 1792- 1871
    Place: England
    Job: Mathmatician and engineer
    Info: First man that designed the computer
  • Augusta Ada Lovelace

    Augusta Ada Lovelace
    Name: Augusta Ada Lovelace
    Year: 1815- 1852
    Place: England
    Job: Mathematician
    Info: Computer programmer
  • Herman Holerith

    Herman Holerith
    Name: Herman Hollerith
    Year: 1860- 1929
    Place: USA
    Job: Mathematician
    Info: Founder of IBM
  • Tommy Flowers

    Tommy Flowers
    Name: Tommy Flowers
    Year: 1905
    Place: England
    Job: Mathematican
    Info: Inventor/ designer of the Colossus
  • Alan M. Turing

    Alan M. Turing
    Name: Alan M. Turing
    Year: 1912-1954
    Place: England
    Job: Engineer
    Info: Code breaker
  • Vacuum Tubes

    Vacuum Tubes
    time: late 1940's
    the 1st generation computer
  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Name: Steve Wozniak
    Year: 1950- present
    Place: USA
    Job: Engineer/ programmer
    Info: Co- Founder of Apple
  • Transistors

    Year: late 1950's to the early 1960's
    Info: The 2nd generation computer
  • Tim Berners Lee

    Tim Berners Lee
    Name: Tim Berners Lee
    Year: 1955- present
    Place: USA
    Job: Computer scientist
    Info: Creator of WWW and president of the WWW foundation
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Name: Bill Gates
    Year: 1955- present
    Place: USA
    Job: Nerd
    Info: Founder of the company Microsoft
  • Mario Bros release date

    Mario Bros release date
    Mario Brothers was released on September 13, 1985
  • Facebook founded date

    Facebook founded date
    Facebook, the most popular social networking website worldwide, was founded on February 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg, a Harvard student.
  • PSP release date

    PSP release date
    The Play Station Portable was released on March 24, 2005 in North America.
  • Xbox 360 released

    Xbox 360 released
    Xbox 360 was released on November 22, 2005 in the US and Canada, December 2 in Europe, and December 10 in Japan.
  • Wii

    Wii was released on November 19, 2006
  • First Ipad released

    First Ipad released
    The first Ipad was released on April 3, 2010, followed by the Ipad 2, 3, 4 and mini.