computer timeline

  • Period: to


  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple’s Apple II, the first personal computer with color graphics, is demonstrated. It is important because it revolutionized to the colors we have now
  • First magnetic tape

    First magnetic tape
    The magnetic tape change how people recorded. Now you could record data like voice recordings and videos.
  • GUI

    Microsoft Windows introduced eliminating the need for a user to have to type each command, like MS-DOS, by using a mouse to navigate through drop-down menus, tabs and icons
  • Computer with mouse and interface

    Computer with mouse and interface
    Apple introduces the Macintosh with mouse and window interface. This made it easier for people to do commands
  • The hypertext system

    The hypertext system
    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau propose a 'hypertext' system starting the Internet and how it runs to this day
  • the world wide web

    the world wide web
    The World Wide Web is launched to the public. The WWW is still used to this day

    YAHOO is created. YAHOO is a still a widley used search engine.
  • Amazon

    Amazon is founded by Jeff Bezos. Amazon is probably the most used internet market
  • Google

    Google is the most used internet browser. It was founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page
  • Xbox

    Bill Gates introduces the Xbox. It started a lot of the video game technology we have today