Computer History Project Digital Media

  • First Camera

    First Camera
    SourceThis was the very first camera made.It was made in 1685 by Alhazen.Alhazen was also considered to be the first theoretical physicist.
  • Arpanet

    [Source]( This is the very first internet created,It was first invented for people in wars to be able to communicate to other people on their team without the enemies being able to decypher what their war strategy was going to be about.
  • First Video Game

    First Video Game
    SourceThere is no clear first video game,but one of the other games is Pong which is a game where you are against a bot and you have to hit the ball to the other team and try and make the bot miss the ball and win.
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    SourceIt was the first Apple computer that was ever made,it cost $666.66,but today it costs about $2762,the memory for this computer was 4KB,but it could be expandable to 48KB.
    It was developed by Steve Wozniak and was released in April 11,1976.
  • Apple II Computer

    Apple II Computer
    [Source]( The Apple II was the second computer that was created.The Apple II computer was a big upgrade from the Apple I computer,this computer now has a screen unlike the Apple I computer.The price for the Apple II computer was $1,298,but with the inflation it costs $5,052.The memory in this computer is very small;4KB,8KB,12KB,16KB,20KB,24KB,32KB,36KB,48KB,or 64KB.
  • C++

    SourceC++ is one of many programming languages used today.C++ is also used for games,applications,graphics and video editors and many other software has C++ in it.
  • Amiga 1000 Computer

    Amiga 1000 Computer
    [Source]( This computer was a memory of 256-512 KB and the maximum memory is 8.5 MB.This computer was discontinued in 1987.The OS(Operating System)of this computer was AmigaOS 1.0.It also has a new type called Amiga 2000 which has a memory of 1MB - 9MB.
  • Amiga 2000

    Amiga 2000
    Sourcehe Amiga 2000 was released on March 1987and it cost $1495 and it only had 1-9 MB of memory available for the user to use.The OS (Operating System)that it used was Amiga OS.
  • Amiga 500 Plus

    Amiga 500 Plus
    SourceThe memory space of the Amiga 5000 plus is 1 MB,but can be expanded to 10MB of memory.The Successor of the Amiga 5000 plus is the Amiga 6000.The OS of the computer is Amiga OS v2.04.It was discontinued in the year 1992.
  • Amiga 4000

    Amiga 4000
    SourceThe Amiga 4000 was first released in 1992,but was discontinued in 1994.The Amiga 4000 was a Personal computer and had 2-18 MB of memory.The OS of the computer was Amiga OS 3.0 and the Successor was Amiga 4000T.
  • Bluetooth

    Source"...a group of engineers at Ericsson,a Swedish company,invented a wireless communication technology,later called Bluetooth."The BlueTooth was used to talk to other people,share music,photos,videos and other things.
  • Java

    [Source]("Java is a general-purpose computer programming language.." and it is used to create apps for computers.Some programs require Java runtime and Java also has a web plug-in that lets you be able to use the applications in browsers.The File extension and .jar.
  • Wireless WAN

    Wireless WAN
    Source"Wireless WAN is a wide area network in which separate areas of coverage or cells are connected wirelessly to provide service to a large geographic area."This allows people to be able to communicate to other people without having to have a connection.
  • Ipod Shuffle

    Ipod Shuffle
    [Source]( first ever Ipod is the Ipod Shuffle.This Ipod was used to listen to music that you wanted to hear.There are 4 generations of the Ipod Shuffle,the first gen Ipod Shuffle cost US$99-$149.The Second gen IPod Shuffle was released on September 12 2006 and cost $79.The Third Gen cost about $49 and was released March 11 2009.The IPod Shuffle
  • IPhone 6

    IPhone 6
    SourceThe Iphone 6 was first released in September 19,2014.The original OS for the IPhone 6 was IOS 8.0,but is now IOS 9.0.which was released on September 16,2015 and has a Memory of 1GB of RAM.This IPhone costs $546 today.