Communicative Competence

  • Chomsky

    He determines that communication has two components:
    Competence: Knowledge of the languagge
    Performance: Use of the knowledge of the language in real contexts.
  • Halliday

    He states a series of functions that entail the exchange of meanings and occurs when people simply interact.
    Those functions are instrumental, regulatory, interpersonal, personal, heuristic, imaginative and representative.
  • Hymes

    Communicative competence is a knowledge of the rules for understanding and producing both the referential and social meaning of language.
    Setting scene: Dónde
    Participants: Quién
    Ends: Para qué
    Act: Para qué
    Key: Cómo se dice
    Instrumentalities: De qué manera
    Norms; Creencias
    Gender: Tipo de disscurso
  • Widdowson

    Communicative competence needs to be taught alongside linguistic competence.
    Usage: Linguistic knowledge
    Use: Use of the linguistic knowledge for communication
  • Rivers

    Skill Getting: Students learn to articulate acceptably and construct comprehensible language sequences by rapid associations.
    Skill Using: Students are on their own during the task, in this process they absorb language in real time unconsciously.
  • Canale & Swain

    Canale & Swain
    The study of grammatical competence is as essential to the study of communicative competence as the study of sociolinguistic competence.
  • Stern

    Structural, functional and sociocultural are the aspects in which language should be approached, and the use of language in authentic contexts is experimental.
  • Banchman & Palmer

    Banchman & Palmer
    The communicative competence is based on two components called: Organizative component and pragmatic component.
    Organizative: It's the way the disscourse is organized beggining in a phrease then a sentence and lastly a text.
    Pragmatic: determines how the minimum units of speech and texts are correspond both to the characteristics of the situation and the context as with the intentions of the language user.
  • Pawlikowska Smith

    Pawlikowska Smith
    Support the sociocultural competence in rules of appropiateness and politeness, idioms, figurative language, non verbal communication, cultural knowledge and references.
    Strategic competence is planning for effective communication, avoiding difficulties in communication, and recovering from communication breakdowns.
  • Liliana Maturana

    Liliana Maturana
    Communicaive competence is a globalizing construct that encompasses the skills, abilities and knowledge that the language user must use to effectively interact in various social contexts