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Communicative Commpetence and Communicative Lenguage Teaching

  • Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky
    Knowledge that an ideal hearing speakers has of the rules for generating grammatical sentences of a language; for him, the native speaker of a language has natural linguistic knowledge that allows him to communicate.
  • Halliday

    -Contributes and enriches the proposal of communicative competence.
  • Hymes

    -Refute Chomsky's notion of competence.
    -Linguistic competence co-varies with the speker.
    -communicative competence deals with producing and understanding sentences that are appropiate and acceptable to a particular situation.
    -Knowledge of the rules for undertanding and producing both the referential and social meaning of language.
  • Widdowson

    -The linguistic skills
    -Acquiring rules ( linguistic ability)
    -Ability to use (language communicative competence)
  • Halliday

    -Determines the seven functions of communicative competence:
    Instrumental, regulatory, interpersonal, personal, heuristic, imaginative and representative
  • Canale & Swain

    Canale & Swain
    Expand more definitions about communicative competence, grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategic competence.
  • Bachman and Palmer

    They reorganize the concept of communicative competence, based on organizational and pragmatic knowledge.
  • Brown and Hudson

    They provide alternatives about evaluation:
    performing feedback and them evaluation.
  • Brown

    The meaning of constructo: content validity
  • Maturana

    The communicative competence as a globalizing construct that has skills, abilities and knowledge.
  • Arias, Maturana and Restrepo

    -Meaning to the qualities of test and task.
    -Evaluation of foreing language learning.