Colonies Rebel

  • Albany Plan of Union

    Benjamin Franklin proposed a plan for uniting the colonies. The colonies rejected the plan however, because ot gave too much power to an assembly made up of representatives from all thirteen colonies.
  • French and Indian War

    It statrted as a stuggle between the French and British over lands in western Pennsylvania and Ohio
  • Geroge III becaomes king

    He had differnt ideas about how the colonies should be governed.
  • Stamp Act

    It imposed the first direct tax on the colonists. It required them them to pay a tax on legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers, and even doce and playing cards.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    It was the first meeting organized by the colonis to protest King George's actions.
  • Coercive Acts

    Withdrew the right of the Massachusetts colony to govern itself. By the early 1770's showed that revolution was not far off.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    These committees considered of colonist who wanted to keep in touch with one another as events unfolded.
  • First Continental Congress

    They finally imposed an embargo, an agreement prohibiting trade, on Britiian and agreed not to use British goods. They also proposed a meeting the following year if Britian did not change its policies.
  • Lexington and Concord

    British Redcoats clased with colonial minuemen
  • Second Continental Congress

    Immediately assumed the powers of a central government.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of colonist dressed as Mohawk Indians, dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbir.
  • Declaration of Independence

    It is one of the most famouse documents in history. The Declaration explained the reasons the American colonies were angry at the British government.
  • Resolution of Independence

    Richard Henry Lee of Virginia did declare independence. These United Coloniesare, and of right pught to be, free and independent states.