
Cold War Timeline

  • 'Fat Man' Dropped on Nagasaki

    'Fat Man' Dropped on Nagasaki
    The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, devastating the city in a 2.3 by 1.9 mile radius and killing about 80,000 and injured another 50,000.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    After the dropping of two atomic bombs by the United States military on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese officials boarded the USS Missouri to formally sign their surrender from World War II.
  • Stalin's Hostile Speech

    Stalin's Hostile Speech
    Joseph Stalin adresses the public and says that another war was inevitable due to capitalist development within the world's economy. He also said that the USSR would begin to focus on a defense in case of war.
  • Russia Refuses Withdrawl From Iran

    Russia Refuses Withdrawl From Iran
    After United States and British forces withdrew from the country, the Russians stayed behind to continue support for the separist movement proceeding through Iran, convincing the U.S. of a possible entire takeover of Iran by Russia.
  • Truman Doctrine Composed

    Truman Doctrine Composed
    The Truman Doctrine was created by President Harry Truman to provide political, economical, and military assistance to every democratic nation from outside threats from other countries.
  • Communist Takeover In Czechoslovakia

    Communist Takeover In Czechoslovakia
    The Czech government organized plans to participate to in the United States Marshall Plan, communist involvment increased. The communists organized strikes, protests, and riots in the streets. President of Czechoslovakia Eduard Benes could not hold the nation together, and later gave the communists what they wanted.
  • President Truman Creates Loyalty Plan

    President Truman Creates Loyalty Plan
    President Harry Truman puts into effect his Loyalty Program to catch communist sympathizers within the United States government. Every since 1946, communist executives have used their power to induct Republican party members to the government, and Truman created this program as a retalitation.
  • Brussels Treaty

    Brussels Treaty
    The Brussels Treaty was signed by Britain, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. It was created to stop the constant spreading of communism throughout European countries. After a while, it led to the organization of NATO.
  • Communist Mao Zedong Takes Control of China

    Communist Mao Zedong Takes Control of China
    After the constant civil and international wars China had been involved in, Mao Zedong took charge. He had been pushing for the Communist Party of China to take control, and finally prevailed.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    A massive North Korean military force bombarded the South Korean army and a small United States military force positioned in the country. After easily disposing of the South Korean forces, North Kore approached the South Korean capital of Seoul. The United States sent in military assistance and later marched into North Korea, thus starting the Korean War.