Cold War Key Events: 1960's

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a long and costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regimeof North Korea and Viet Con against South Vietnam and its ally the United States. The War began in 1954. More than 3 million were killed in the Veitnam War, more than half were Vietnamese Civilians.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    In, 1959, Cuban nationalist Fidel Castro’s army overthrew General Fulgencio Batista from power. The U.S. government believed that Castro had relationships with Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union. In April 1961 JFK authorized the invasion for two air strikes against Cuban air bases and a 1,400-man invasion. José Miró Cardona was head of the Cuban Revolutionary, and lead the American-trained Cubans. However, the invasion did not go well Castro’s troops outnumbered American Cubans.
  • Berlin Wall Created

    Berlin Wall Created
    The Berlin Wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic starting on the 13th of August. The wall completely completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and East Berlin. The wall stretched more than 100 miles. Central and Eastern Europe claimed that the wall was constructed to protect its population from fascist elements. The wall prevented massive emigration and defection.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontaion that lasted fourteen days and thirteen nights between the United States on one side and the Soviet Union and Cuba on the other. The standoff was over the Soviet Union's installion of nuclear-arms in Cuba, 90 miles away from the U.S.
  • Limited Test Ban Treaty

    Limited Test Ban Treaty
    The Test Ban Treaty of 1963 prohibits nuclear weapons tests or any other nuclear exploxion in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water. The treaty does not banned underground test.The treaty was signed in Moscow on August 5, 1963 and was enforced October 10, 1963. The treaty was untimately made to put an end to contaminating man's environment with radioactive substances.
  • Moscow–Washington hotline

    Moscow–Washington hotline
    First communications line between two countries. In 1963, John F. Kennedy was directly connected to the Kremlin in Moscow. They discussed about nuclear-weapons .The White House stated that the teletype "help reduce the risk of war and other accident.” Instead of relying on telegrammed letters, the new technology was faster, it did not have to travel overseas or take days. Both sides were connected instantly.
  • Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam)

    Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam)
    President Johnson increased military aid to South Vietnam. Patrol boats were sent to SV. The crew was made up of South Vietnam. U.S + S.V conducted a series of coastal attacks on N.V. The U.S collected intelligence (information).
    Aug. 2, USS Maddox was located in the Gulf of Tonkin and collected valuable information on North Vietnamese military capabilities. 3 N.V ship torpedoed USS Maddox. USS Ticonderoga sent air craft to repel the N.V Attack. Destroyer USS Turner Joy supported Maddox.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Passed on August 7, 1964, Congress authorizes the resolution draft as a way to
    Repeal attacks against U.S forces and Allies in Southeast Asia. (Result of the Tonkin Gulf Incident) President Johnson - “Promote maintenance of international peace and security in South Asia.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    On January 31, 1968, General Vo Nguyen Giap (leader of People's Army of North Vietnam) ordered 70,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces launched an attack on South Vietnam on the Lunar New Year, or Tet. They attacked more than 100 cities and towns in South Vietnam. This was the turning point in the Vietnam War, the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces tried to hold off N.V however N.V won the Tet Offensive.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
    The treaty was opened for signature on July 1, 1968. The Treaty objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technonolgy. The treaty promotes cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further achieve nuclear disarment and well as general, complete disarment.
  • Vietnamization

    Was a policy of the Richard Nixon administration during the Vietnam War. It was a result of the Tet Offensive. This new plan would transfer all military responsibilities to South Vietnam. This forced South Vietnam to build up their military and the withdrawal of U.S. troops. In 1973, the U.S. negotiated a treaty with the North Vietnamese, with U.S promise to withdraw American. However, in 1975, South Vietnam fell to Communist forces.