
Cold War Era Events

  • #8-Berlin Blockade

    #8-Berlin Blockade
    Germany was divided into east and west germany after WW2, the west was controlled by the USSR and the east was controlled by the Allies. As tensions grew, Joseph Stalin imposed a blockade that blocked all land and river transit between west berlin and west germany. The Allied Powers responded with a massive airlift to come to west germany's aid.
  • #4-Korean War

    #4-Korean War
    This was a conflict were the communist North Korea ( Supplied by the USSR helped by China) tried to invade South Korea who was backed by the United States. This was one of the first wars that the USA fought against communism.
  • #2- Space Race

    #2- Space Race
    This was a competition between the United States and the U.S.S.R in order to see who had the best technological capabilities. This ended when the United States sent Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon in July of 1969.
  • #1 -Vietnam War

    #1 -Vietnam War
    This was a fight to combat the spread of communism into Vietnam. The North Vietnamese fought the South Vietnamese and the United States. This ended with a North Vietnamese Victory, and furthered tensions between the U.S and the U.S.S.R.
  • #9-Suez Canal Crisis

    #9-Suez Canal Crisis
    Israeli armed forces pushed into egypt, toward the Suez Canal; Which was a very valuable oil waterway. Earlier that year, in July, egypt nationalized the water way. This conflict damaged the relationships between the U.S, France, and Britain. In the end, Egypt emerged victorious.
  • #11-U-2 Incident

    #11-U-2 Incident
    This was an incident were the U.S.S.R shot down a U.S reconnaissance plane over Russian air space. This was seen as an act of aggression towards the United States.
  • #3-Cuban Missile Crisis

    #3-Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S put nuclear weapons in Italy and Turkey in order to be ready for a potential war with the U.S.S.R. In retaliation, russia put nuclear missiles in Cuba until the U.S withdrew their weapons out of Turkey and Italy. This event lasted 13 days and ended with the U.S ending its quarantine.
  • #10-Yom Kippur War

    #10-Yom Kippur War
    This was a surprise attack launched by egypt and syria on Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. This drew the United States and the U.S.S.R in to defending their allies.
  • #5-Soviet War in Afganistan

    #5-Soviet War in Afganistan
    The U.S.S.R dropped elite troops into Afgan cities and soon after they deployed motorized divisions across the border. This turned into a 10 year war that ended with the KGB assassinating the president of Afghanistan and his ministers.
  • #6-Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007

    #6-Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007
    The U.S.S.R shot down a Korean commercial flight because it entered soviet air space. The Soviets reasoning for this was because they believed that the plane was gathering information for the United States. This incident resulted in the deaths of everyone on board.
  • #7- "Able Archer" Military Exercise

    #7- "Able Archer" Military Exercise
    This was a military exercise that was created by NATO in order to realistically simulate what would happen if a nuclear war broke out.