cold war and conflict

  • iron curtain

    iron curtain
    This is the area that the seperation of the communist countrys and the democratic contries.
  • Joesph mcarthy born

    Joesph mcarthy born
    Joe Basicly Made it so that the people are scared for their lifes in many ways. He made it so if your communist that so if you are communist that you will not be allowed in the area and you will be made fun of.
  • united nations

    united nations
    a new group of nations that defend each other to stop war between the different places so we won’t have a world war three
  • Truman docterine and The Containment

    Truman docterine and The Containment
    When Truman wanted to keep communism only in Russia and the areas already under their jurrestriction so that the rest of the world dosent have to deal with the communism and you .
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    when he made it so that if you are communist you will be found and that anyone near you could be a communist and those who are communists cannot be anyone In government
  • CIA fformed

    CIA fformed
    The central information agency was used to make new strides in technology and a post war way of making sure we were on top of all of the tech.
  • the marshall plan

    the marshall plan
    To help the Europeans by giving them money so that they can rebuild. The reason that caused this was the war, specifically, world war two, because the war devastated tons of areas because of bombing and just fighting in general.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    To stop a world war three when the soviets put up a wall around Berlin and cut off their power the Americans started to air drop food and tons of supplies needed until the Russians Knocked down the wall and started to let them leave to get their own food, this was a dark time for Germany.
  • Space race

    Space race
    the space race is a race of technology from us and communist Russians, we won the race to the moon and the Russians won the race to get the first satalite in the sky and the first man on the moon .
  • korean war

    korean war
    The war when north and south Korea split and they started a civil war to determine “If they should be communist.” and in that they made a ton of kills and we supported the south and it was our first military action after the war.
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    a war of veitnameese needs to go and try to win to stay away from being a communist country, by ways of America helping
  • sputnick

    the first space stalite and it scared the amercans by saying that this might be a new way to deliver the bombs that ended the war to the whole world.
  • Hawks and doves

    Hawks and doves
    the thought that with hawks, we need more war people and doves, we need to go to peace.
  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
    The day sortove like our day when we killed ossama bin laden but back then, the day that they killed fidel castro one of the main rulers of the area and we sent troops to kill him and they almost did.
  • cuban misle crisis

    cuban misle crisis
    When we had to make sure that the Cubans would not let the Russians have a stronghold close to American soil so they can almost bomb us