Cold War

  • Roosevelt Dies

    Roosevelt Dies
    Roosevelt died unexpectedly. By him passing away, Vice President Truman became the new president.
  • Marshall Plan was created

    Marshall Plan was created
    Created by U.S. Secretary of State, George C. Marshall. The goal was for nations to design recovery programs and would recieve financial aid from the United States.
  • Truamn establishes a program

    Truamn establishes a program
    Truman established a federal employee loyalty program which checked the backgrounds of all new and existing federal employees. This led to the House Un-American Activites Committee. The HUAC began investigating Hollywood personalities, who the committee claimed, had Communist leanings. Hollywood Ten refured to answer any of HUAC's questions and all were imprisoned because of this.
  • Stalin Bans Shipments

    Stalin Bans Shipments
    Stalin banned all shipments to West Berlin through Easy Germany. This created a blockade which threatened to cut off supplies to the city.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as "NATO", was formed in April of 1949. When nations joined NATO they pledge to support one another against attack. This was also referred to as selective security.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    Truman announced that the Soviet Union had successfully tested an atomic bomb. The United States began developing even more powerful hydrogen bombs in response to this.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    About 75,000 soliders from the North Korean Army went across the 38th parallel. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War.
  • McCarran Walter Act

    McCarran Walter Act
    McCarran Walter Act reestablished the immigration quota system from 1924. The act discriminated against potential immigrants from Asia and Southern and Central Europe.
  • Soviet spies killed

    Soviet spies killed
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were famous spies. The Soviet spies in the United States were sharing American secrets with foreign Communists.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was established. It was a collective defense treaty among Soviet Union and Seven Soviet satellite states.