• 1945 BCE

    The atomic vomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 200000 people and signed the end of the war

  • 1944 BCE

    24 August,Paris was freed

  • 1944 BCE

    6 June, D-Day allied troops landed in Normandy

  • 1944 BCE

    4 June,Rome was freed from German control

  • 1943 BCE

    American troops landed in Sicily

  • 1942 BCE

    Manhattan Project started

  • 1941 BCE

    Japanese attack at Pearl Harbour determinated the entry of USA in the war

  • 1940 BCE

    Second World War broke out but USA did not join the conflict

  • 1932 BCE

    Franklin D.Roosevelt became President

    He started a plan of reforms called New Deal in order to improve the economic situation
  • 1929 BCE

    Wall street crash, collapse of the american stock market that caused a crisis known as Great Depression

  • Period: 1919 BCE to 1928 BCE

    In the USA the economy grew quickly

    -New industries and a cut of taxation incresed profits and made the economy stronger(not the same for the south-west and the midwest towns)
    -Reactionary attitudes : fear of socialism, restriction of the immigration, segregation of minorities, proibition of manufacture, import and consumption of alcohol
  • 1918 BCE

    Armistice was signed and the war ended

  • 1917 BCE

    After the sinking of the british transatlantic Lusitania Usa decided to join the war, helping France and GB

  • 1914 BCE

    Panama Canal is built

    World War I broke out but USA remain neutral
  • 1898 BCE

    Spanish-American war is won by USA wich acquires new colonies(Cuba,Puerto Rico,Philippines)

    Usa annexed Hawaii
    USA supports Panama's rebellion against Columbia
  • 1895 BCE

    Usa supported Cuba's rebellion against Spain

  • 1867 BCE

    USA bought Alaska